Not So Soon Wifey

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I met another of me; Inside of you...

The star words



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A week later:

It's 9 in the morning, Aakriti is sitting in the living room, coffee in hand. The news plays on the television, and a devilish smile graces her face. Her gaze is locked on the headlines that read:

"A lawsuit filed against the CEO of Rai Textile Industries for brutally murdering her employee. However, the evidence is yet to find"

The lawsuit was filed by the wife of that employee after Aakriti persuaded her. She wanted to file the lawsuit, but she was scared that Neelam will kill her children just like she killed her husband, but Aakriti encouraged her to file the lawsuit and ensured her that Aakriti's men will protect her she shouldn't worry.

Aakriti had all the evidence which can prove that Neelam's guilty, but she has kept it secured for the right time. For now, she wants Neelam image to hit rock bottom. Murdering her parents wasn't the only sin Neelam committed that's just the tip of iceberg. She has murdered a lot of people. She has reached great heights through frauds and malpractices. 

" Isn't she that cousin of yours who ate like crazy at our wedding but still complained about the food?" Ruhaan came inside the living room holding his coffee and sat beside Aakriti.

" Good way to introduce her " Aakriti smirked.

" I felt something's off with the woman when I saw her at the wedding. She looked like that old serial killers" Ruhaan said and took a sip of his coffee.

Ruhaan noticed a tiny smile on Aakriti's face and said, " Your cousin is in trouble, but this news doesn't seem to bother you".

Aakriti chuckled and replied, " Why'd it bother me?"

Ruhaan raised an eyebrow and " Okay let us suppose that you hate your cous-" Aakriti interrupted her in between " I hate her you don't need to suppose."

" Fine, you hate her but you can't ignore the fact that she's handling the textile department of your industry. Won't this news drop the value of the company in the market?" Ruhaan asked.

" Wanna know why I hate her?" Aakriti said and smile disappeared from her face, she became serious again. Ruhaan got curious and tensed at the same time after seeing the expression on Aakriti's face. He raised an eyebrow and Aakriti continued

" The textile industry whom she calls her own was my mother's. You can say that I'm her second child, her first child was this industry. Initially she made the clothes with her own hands but as the number of customers increased, she had to appoint others for this work. Usually, the CEO of any company does not recruit people on her own, but my mother used to employ each and every person on her own. She made sure that her employees are skilled enough. She used to teach them once in a month. Her employees liked her very much. They were like a family. She worked honestly. Her customers trusted her clothes. One day she died and the very next day a bitch named Neelam Rai came and took the whole industry in her hand. As if she was waiting that when my mother will die she'll snatch the company from her. The company which was once known for its honesty is now known for its malpractices. Back then the textile industry was like a crown of Rai Industries but when Neelam came, she made that industry a scar in the moon." Aakriti's hold on cup tightened.

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