Chapter 5: Side Story: Dance Of The Shinigami

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(Hiashi immediately dashes after the Head Ninja.)

(Swoosh... Swoosh...

(Izuna and Yugao appear in front of him.)

Izuna: "There is no need to worry about Hinata."

(Izuna waves his hand and stops Hiashi.)

(Hiashi frowns and angrily question him.)

Hiashi: "What do you mean? That Kumo bastard kidnapped my daughter and you are preventing me from saving her. What's the meaning of this?"

(Hiashi takes a Taijutsu stance as he gets ready to fight Izuna and Yugao.)

Izuna: "Calm down Clan Leader... check your daughter's room again... she is fine."

(Izuna removes his Anbu mask and reveals his identity.)

Hiashi: "Izuna-kun... It's you."

(Hiashi trusts Izuna and dashes towards Hinata's room.)

(He notices Hinata soundly sleeping on the bed.)

Hiashi: "What?"

(Many questions pop up in his mind as he turns to Izuna for answers.)

Izuna: "Don't be surprised... Hiashi-san. She is indeed the Real Hinata... the one the Kumo ninja kidnapped is a doll which I made using Fuinjutsu. I suspected the Kumo group from the very start... so I silently monitored their activity and found their intention of kidnapping Hinata. So... I acted in advance and made the necessary arrangements. You just need to play along."

(Izuna reveals the truth to Hiashi.)

Hiashi: "Thank you... Izuna-kun. I will be forever grateful to you... as for the plan... I will follow your arrangements."

(Hiashi nods his head in agreement.)

(Izuna and Yugao chase after the Head Ninja.)

(Inside the forest near the border of Land of Fire and Land of Hot Water.)

(The Head Ninja's subordinates meet up with the Raikage's group.)

(The two ninjas bows in front of A and reports to him.)

Kumo Ninja: "Raikage-sama... Captain has infiltrated the Hyuga compound. Soon, he will kidnap the Hyuga princess and the Byakugan will fall in our possession."


(A clench his fist as he stares towards Konoha.)

Fourth Raikage: "We paid a heavy price during the Third Shinobi War... it is time for payback of the debt."

(At some distance away from their camp.)

(Whistle... whistle...)

(Kakashi is resting against a tree as he monitors the troops of Kumo.)

???: "Vice-Captain! When should we make our move?"

(One of the masked figures asks him.)

Kakashi: "It's still too soon... Tenzo. Just wait for Captain's signal... he must be on his way by now."

(Kakashi replies to him.)

Kakashi: "Captain ordered us to maintain a distance from the sensory range of their sensors... we will act once Captain arrives... till then just monitor their every activity."

Tenzo: "Yes... Vice-Captain!"

(Tenzo nods his head.)

(Inside the forest of Land of Fire.)

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