Chapter 49: Battle of Swordsman Part-1

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(BOOM... )


(Various explosion occurs in a distance as Zengetsu fights against Mangetsu.)

Zengetsu: 'Water Release: Hydrification Technique: Great Water Arm Technique'

(Zengetsu raises his right arm.)

(The arm absorbs the moisture from the body.)

(and compresses it into the arm.)

(The muscles of the arm enlarge and gets strengthened.)

(Zengetsu clutches his sword with the right hand.)

(and performs a spin in air.)

(before slamming the sword towards Mangetsu.)

Zengetsu: "Kenjutsu: Decapitation Strike"


(Mangetsu blocks the attack with this blade.)


(The force from the attack sends him flying. )


(He performs a summersault in air and steadily lands on the ground.)


(Zengetsu strengthens his leg muscles.)

(using the Hydrification technique and increases his speed.)

(He instantly appears in front of Mangetsu.)

(and slashes his sword at him.)


(Mangetsu blocks the strike.)


(The ground beneath him caves in.)

(He struggles to push the blade away from his throat.)



(Some cracks appear on his blade.)

Mangetsu: "Tch..."

(Mangetsu clicks his tongue.)

Mangetsu: "Water Release: Hydrification Technique: Jet Pump Kick"

(He enlarges his right leg and kicks Zengetsu away.)

Mangetsu: "In all those years... your skills have improved Zengetsu. You forced me to use one of the Seven Swords."

(Mangetsu makes some hand signs and summons a scroll in front of him.)

(He slams his palm on one of the seals on the scroll and summons a blade.)

Mangetsu: "Behold Kabutowari!!"

(Mangetsu wields a peculiar sword with a giant axe on one end.)

(tied to a hammer on the other end with a thin, leather-like rope.)

(Zengetsu makes some hand signs and slams his palms on the ground.)

Zengetsu: "Water Release: Tate Eboshi"

(A giant gust of water erupts from the ground.)

(The water turns into a giant pufferfish and moves towards Mangetsu.)

(Mangetsu raises his hand in the air with the axe part.)

(of the blade in his right hand and the hammer part in the left hand.)

Mangetsu: "Kenjutsu: Kabutowari: Deep Earth Slash"

(He infuses some chakra into the blade and slams it on the ground.)



(Ground tremble underneath his strike.)

(as the blade releases a vertical blade of energy towards the pufferfish.)

Mangetsu: "Kenjutsu: Kabutowari: Endless Heaven Smash"


(He slams the blunt part of the axe with the hammer.)


(The axe and the hammer releases a shockwave.)

(which tears through the ground and smashes into the pufferfish.)


(The pufferfish disperses into countless raindrops.)

(and the shock wave pushes Zengetsu.)

(Zengetsu holds his blade horizontally.)

(in his hands and infuses chakra into the blade.)

Zengetsu: "Kenjutsu: Surudoiken: Halo dance of Waning Moon"

(The blade glows with a cyan hue.) .

(Zengetsu slashes it horizontally towards Mangetsu.)

(The blade releases a cyan blade of water.)

(The cyan blade slashes through the shockwave.)

(and travels towards Mangetsu.)

(Mangetsu frowns as he looks at the cyan blade.)

Mangetsu: "Water Release: Hydrification Technique"

(His body turns into the water as he receives the attack.)


(The cyan blade slams into his liquified body and throws Mangetsu in the air.)

Mangetsu: "Cough... Cough..."

(Mangetsu holds his chest as slowly stands up from the rubble.)

Zengetsu: "Now... die... it's time to end our long rivalry."

(Zengetsu swings the blade towards Mangetsu's neck.)


(He slashes Mangetsu's body in half.)


(Mangetsu turns into a puddle of water and falls on the ground.)

Zengetsu: "A water clone."

(Zengetsu frowns.)

(He immediately turns around.)

(and blocks an attack from the real Mangetsu.)

Mangetsu: "Kenjutsu: Shibuki: Bakuto Ren"

(Mangetsu swings a giant sword.)

(The sword has two distinct sides with a narrow cutting edge.)

(on one side and a broad platform with a scroll attached to the other side.)

(The scroll unfolds and releases multiple explosive tags from it.)

Mangetsu: "Explode"

(Mangetsu makes a hand sign.)

(The explosive tags on the blade glow brilliantly.)



(Zengetsu is blown away by the explosion.)


(He smashes through multiple trees and finally collides in a giant tree.)

Zengetsu: "Cough... cough..."

(He coughs out a mouthful of blood.)

(Mangetsu slowly walks towards him.)

Mangetsu: "You are too soft... just like your father."

(He lifts the blade and slashes Zengetsu.)

[To be continued...]

Author Note: stay tuned for next chapter.

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Love from odisha ❤️

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