Chapter 26: A Game of Pawns

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(Izuna quickly follows after Mei.)

(Mei ignores him for the entire duration.)

(They reach the foothill of a small hill surrounding by many shinobis.)

(There is a middle-sized mansion on top of the small hill.)

(The shinobi guard recognizes Mei and allows her to enter.)

(Mei turns towards Izuna and questions him.)

Mei: "You must have heard of the Terumi clan right. We were former allies."

(Izuna nods his head.)

Izuna: "Yes, our Yuki clan was a close aide of Terumi clan. One thing led to another and my clan is on the verge of extinction. Sigh..."

(Izuna sighs depressingly.)

(Mei looks at Izuna with conflict and chooses to remain silent.)

(Izuna turns towards Mei and speaks.)

Izuna: "But I was surprised when I came to know about your identity. You are that famous princess of the Terumi clan. Then that makes me the knight on the white horse who saved the princess. Haha.."

(Izuna chuckles at Mei.)

Mei: "Humph..."

(Mei snorts and turns around.)

Mei: "Don't get too cocky. If I wasn't exhausted from my previous fight... then I would have dealt with them. Also, with that scrawny body and girly face... I can't imagine you as a knight on a white horse. So... stop with your fantasies."

(She harshly rebukes Izuna.)

(Izuna raises his hand and silently follows after her.)

(Soon, a ninja walks in front of them.)

ninja: "Miss Mei... I will take it from here. You must be exhausted from your previous mission."

(Mei nods her head and walks in another direction.)

Mei [in mind]: 'I am both mentally and physically tired from that fight. I will take a break in hot springs.'

(After Mei's departure, the shinobi turns towards Izuna and snorts.)

shinobi: "Don't foster any fancy ideas for our princess. She is destined to be the next leader of the Terumi clan. A homeless and reputation less person like you is nothing in front of her."

(The Shinobi has a pervert expression on his face as he is lost in his fantasies.)

Izuna: "...."

(Izuna looks at the buffoon shinobi and wonder.)

Izuna [in mind]: 'They even have such kind of people in their security.!

Izuna: "Cough... cough..."

(Izuna coughs to gets his attention.)

Izuna: "Can you lead the way?"

The shinobi: Ahem...

(The shinobi clears his throat and takes him inside the manor.)

(Izuna curiously inspects the mansion.)

Izuna [in mind]: 'Although the mansion doesn't look special from outside... it is quite fortified inside. There are various traps and seals in places. I guess... Kiri has an entirely different power system from Konoha.'

(He curiously turns towards the shinobi and questions him.)

Izuna: "Then... who do you think is most suitable for Miss Mei? It certainly isn't you... right."

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