Chapter 52: The Sleeper Agent

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Mei: "Father... we can't move along this route. There is an ambush up ahead."

(Mei warns Fuji.)

Fuji: "I know..."

(Fuji nods his head.)

Mei: "Father...we can't follow... wait...wait, you know about it."

(Mei's eyes widen as she stares at her father.)

Fuji: "Yes... I know about the ambush and I even know about the identity of the spy or to say... traitor."

(Fuji folds his hands in front of his chest.)

(as he stares at the people in his group.)

(Tap... tap...)

(Elder Genji taps his staff on the ground.)


(He erects a barrier around the group.)

Elder Genji: "No one will get away from here."

(He clutches the head of his staff.)

(The expression of the escort group turns ugly as they stare at Elder Genji.)

the shinobi: "What's the meaning of this... Elder Genji?... Do you question our loyalty?..."

(One of the shinobi angrily stares at Elder Genji.)

Many voices: "Yes... yes... what's the meaning of this?"

(Many voices of discontent rings in their ears.)

(Wakan silently stares at the group of people as clenches his fist.)

Wakan [in mind]: 'What's going on?... did Fuji found the traitor?'

(Wakan clenches his fists and looks towards the group of shinobis.)

Fuji: "Calm.. down everyone... no one here doubts your loyalty. But some precautions are always needed... in case things may go south."

(Fuji calms then down as his gaze falls on Wakan.)

Fuji: "Am I right?... Wakan..."

Wakan: "Of course... we can't allow the traitor to get scot-free from this such treacherous deed."

(Wakan nods his head in agreement.)

Izuna [in mind]: 'Oh!... that's unexpected. Did they figure out the identity of the traitor?'

(Izuna gets out from his thoughts as his gaze lands on Wakan.)

Mei: "What father?... you know about the traitor."

(Mei questions Fuji.)

Fuji: "Yes... it has been a while since I came to know of this matter."

(Fuji turns towards Ao.)

Fuji: "It was thanks to Ao's keen observation... we could figure out the identity of the traitor... and this Escort trip was a trap to lure out the enemy and deal with them in one fell swoop."

(Fuji chuckles as he waves his hands.)

(Whoosh... whoosh...)

(Multiple figures wearing Anbu costumes surround the area.)

Mei: "Then... who is the traitor?"

(Mei asks him.)

(Fuji turns towards Wakan.)

Fuji: "Why don't you turn yourself in... Wakan. Isn't it about time to put an end to that act of yours?"

(Fuji walks in front of Wakan and stares him in the eyes.)

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