Chapter 51: The Eternal Conflict

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(Mangetsu slashes his blade at Zengetsu.)

Zengetsu: "Haah..."

(Zengetsu smirks as he stabs his blade in ground.)

Zengetsu: "You lowered your guard."

Zengetsu: "Kenjutsu: Surudoiken: Blade Crucifixion: Death by Thousand Cuts"

(Slash... slash....)

(Almost a thousand glowing chakra blades erupt from the ground.)

Mangetsu: "Hydrification Technique"

(Mangetsu yells immediately.)

(His body turns into the water to avoid the physical attack.)

Zengetsu: "It's useless... These blades are infused with chakra."

(Stab... stab...)

(The blades stab through Mangetsu's body.)

(His body turns into a jelly-like state.)

(as it slowly converts into a puddle of water.)

Zengetsu: "Cough... cough..."

Zengetsu: "I did it... I brought honor to you... father."

(Zengetsu slowly closes his eyes.)

(as blood continues to spill from his wounds.)

Mangetsu: "No... not like this... I won't die alone... I will take you with me."

(A hand comes out from the puddle of water.)

(There is a long needle sword held in the hand.)

Mangetsu: "Kenjutsu: Nuibari: Wire Crucifixion"

(The hands stab the needle through Zengetsu's throat.)

Zengetsu: "Guffaw..."

(Zengetsu coughs out a mouthful of blood.)

(as he struggles to breathe.)

(Zengetsu infuses more chakra in his sword.)

(as the blade pierces through the puddle of water, silencing it completely.)

Zengetsu: "Guess... in the end... like father... I will also die a meaningless death because of a foolish rivalry. I only came to know of this fact at my deathbed."

(Zengetsu's vision blurs as his eyes shut down.)

(Izuna immediately approaches the direction of the explosion.)

(He notices a giant pool of lava at the center of the pool.)

(A frown appears on his face.)

(as he notices Mei lifelessly lying on the ground.)

(He quickly approaches her and checks her pulse.)

Izuna: "Phew..."

Izuna: "She is alive... she just ran out of chakra."

(Izuna makes some hand signs and grabs her hand.)

Izuna: "Chakra transfer"

(He transfers some of his chakras to Mei.)

(while rejuvenating her with Nature energy.)

Mei: "Ugh!"

(Mei slowly opens her eyes as she looks around.)

(A handsome face appears in her vision as she is lying in Izuna's lap.)

Mei: "What... what? What happened?"

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