Chapter 54: The True Art

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Elder Genji: "Be careful... Ao... there might be a similar seal placed on his mind."

(Elder Genji warns him.)

Ao: "Byakugan"

(Ao activates his Byakugan and inspects the chakra system of Akifumi.)

Ao: "Looks like he is also under the effect of a very powerful genjutsu."

(Ao notices the irregular flow of chakra in Akifumi's brain.)

(He hesitates for a while before he turns to Elder Genji.)

Ao: "I am sorry... Genji-sama... this genjutsu is beyond my capabilities. I might be able to dispel it but it may result in an explosion similar to Wakan's case."

(Elder Genji frowns before he shakes his head.)

Elder Genji: "Then... there is no need to dispel it... we will eventually find out the truth... once we reach the village."

Mei: "But Elder Genji... who could be the person manipulating him. If he has an ulterior motive against Kirigakure... then it won't bid well for us."

(Mei interrupts Elder Genji's thoughts.)

Elder Genji: "Hmm... indeed... I have never seen such powerful genjutsu techniques. Well, then... we have to continue the journey to the center of the Land of Water and talk with Daimyo."

(Elder Genji signals an anbu to carry Akifumi.)

(In a faraway hideout.)

Black Zetsu: "Hmm..."

(Black Zetsu frowns as he looks in Kiri's direction.)

Black Zetsu: "That pawn has fulfilled his purpose... I don't need him anymore."

(Black Zetsu walks near the giant chakra tree in the center of the hideout.)

(He draws out a black rod inserted inside the tree.)

Black Zetsu: 'Yin-Yang: Mind-Body Destruction Release'

(Black Zetsu infuses some chakra in the black rod and stabs it into the ground.)

(The rod release some chakra which seeps through the ground and vanishes from vision.)

(Izuna walks alongside the group while monitoring the changes in Fuji's body.)

Izuna [in mind]: 'Hmm... that lump of flesh survives on the user's chakra by continuously draining it from their chakra system. In a sense... it is similar to the 'Exploding Insect Technique' of that bunch. I wonder if lightning chakra can be used to extract or destroy this lump of flesh. If it works... then I will be able to cure Itachi too.'

Mei: "Father... don't push yourself this much again."

(Mei supports Fuji as they walk along the forest.)

(Ao continues to inspect their surroundings.)

Izuna: "Hmm..."

Izuna [in mind]: 'What's with this uneasy feeling?'

(Izuna feels a tingling sensation in his back.)

(He immediately looks around for the source.)


(He senses a strange chakra traversing beneath the ground.)

Izuna [in mind]: 'What's with this chakra?'

(Before he could speculate about the nature of the chakra.)

(the chakra seeps into Akifumi's body.)

Akifumi: "Aaah..."

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