Chapter 36: The Spy Part-2

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???: "Hurry up... we have an important mission to complete."

(An angry voice fells in Izuna's ears... breaking him out of his thoughts.)

(Izuna jumps down from the tree right in front of Mei.)

Izuna: "Well... Hello Lady Mei... what's the mission this time?"

(He smiles at her.)

Mei: "Tick..."

(Mei has a tick on her forehead as she clenches her fingers into a fist.)

Mei: "Don't call me that... I hate it when you call me that."

Izuna: "Ok... Lady Mei..."

(Izuna teases her.)

Mei: "Why you..."

(Mei yells at Izuna and tries to punch him.)

(Izuna dodges her punch and continues to tease her.)

Zengetsu: "Cough... cough..."

(Harusame enters in the backyard together with Utakata.)

(Zengetsu is also leaning against the tree.)

(He coughs slightly to gather their attention.)

Izuna: "Ok... ok calm down... now tell me more about the mission."

(Izuna tries to calm her down.)

Mei: Ahem...

(Mei clears her throat as she narrates the details.)

Mei: "This is a top secret mission assigned to our team. Our Anbu members have found traces of Six Tails in the Mist Lake. So... our mission is to recapture the six-tails and prevent any interruption in its sealing."

(Izuna and the group nod their head.)

Mei: "We will accompany the sealing team of Elder Genji... who will look over the entire process of Tailed-beast sealing. So... we have to ensure his safety."

Everyone: "Yes... Lady Mei..."

(All of them nod to her.)

Mei: "Tick..."

(Mei has another tick on her forehead as she notices the teasing smile of Izuna.)

Mei [in mind]: 'Damn... I just can't stand this guy.!'

(Mei clenches her fist.)

(as memories of the past month flashes through her mind.)

Mei [in mind]: 'He is a strong shinobi with powerful capabilities... and he had saved the entire team whenever we were caught in a pinch. But... but that goofy personality of his... where he takes every mission lightly is getting on my nerves. Also... also... his teasing bothers me for some reason. I... I don't like to get called Lady Mei by him."

(Mei blushes as a little as she stares at Izuna's teasing smile.)

Mei [in mind]: 'No... I have to look after father...'

(Mei shakes her head and discards unnecessary thoughts.)

Mei [in mind]: 'I can't marry anyone until I fulfil my promise to father. I will erase the infamy of Kiri as 'The Bloody Mist.'

(Mei calms herself and lays a map in front of them.)

(There is a red circle marked on the area.)

(She points to the map and explains.)

Mei: "This is the area. We will meet up with the sealing team there. We have to overpower Six-tails before sealing it. So... prepare yourself well and meet inside the clan mansion during midnight."

Everyone: "Yes... Lady Mei."

(All of them nod their head.)

(Swoosh... Swoosh...)

(They flicker out of the backyard and moves out of the clan mansion.)

(Mei enters inside the mansion.)

Izuna: "Hmm..."

(Izuna turns around and notices one of the maids of the mansion hiding inside the earth.)

Izuna [in mind]: 'Oh! Hiding like a mole jutsu. You might be able to fool others... but you can't fool me.'

(Swoosh... Swoosh...)

(He flickers near her location and taps on ground.)

(Ice encases around her.)

Izuna: "Ice Release: Ice Prison"

maid: "Eek..."

(The maid yells in surprise as she notices Izuna.)

(She immediately pulls out a kunai from her stockings and tries to stab him.)


(Izuna pinches the kunai between his fingers, and it starts to freeze.)

Izuna: "It was a nice attempt. But... you are not my opponent."

Izuna: 'Genjutsu: Sharingan'

(Izuna casts a genjutsu on her.)

(He invades her mind and reads her memories.)

Izuna: "Hmm..."

Izuna [in mind]: 'So... this maid is one of the spy of the Noble clans. She was the one who leaked the information regarding Mei to them. Akifumi... so this is the name of her master. If I remember correctly... he was the same person who sent the assassin after me. Hmm... I need to check up on him.'

(Izuna erases the memories of her encounter with him.)

(and disappears from the place.)

Izuna [in mind]: 'I will allow her to inform her master. I want to see... how many cards does he have in his hands?'

(Izuna stares at the back of the maid.)

(who is secretly leaving the boundaries of the Terumi Mansion.)

(Her body turns invisible.)

(as she hides her smell, her chakra signature and even sound.)

Izuna: "It's an interesting technique. She is using Water Release and Earth Release in a quite unique manner. Though... any person with a Dojutsu would be able to see her."

(Izuna analyses her technique with his Sharingan.)

[To be continued...]

Author Note: in few chapters later someone's identity revealed who's you all find out.

stay tuned for next chapter.

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Love from odisha ❤️

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