Chapter 53: The End of the Civil War

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(The group continues the journey.)

Izuna: "Hmm..."

(Izuna spots the enemy ninjas hiding in ambush.)

Ao: "We are there. I can see them in a distance."

(Ao informs Fuji and the group.)

(as he monitors his surroundings with the Byakugan.)

Fuji: "It's time for payback. We will eradicate the tumour of Kiri... once and for all."

(Fuji signals the hidden anbu members.)

(Whoosh... whoosh...)

(The Anbu Members make some hand signs.)

Anbu Members: 'Co-operation Ninjutsu: Demonic Illusion: Steaming Mirage Mirror Genjutsu'

(The group of shinobi slams their hands on the ground.)

(Multiple water vapours in the atmosphere coalesce in front of them.)

(The water mirrors reflect light and create a wide area of Genjutsu in the area.)

(The group slowly approaches the ambush spot.)

Akifumi: "Hehe..."

Akifumi: "They are here. It's time to finish off what we started earlier."

(Akifumi notices Fuji's group and signals.)

(his subordinates to finish them off with a cutthroat gesture.)

(Swish... Swish...)

(The shinobis on Akifumi's side throws multiple kunai.)

(with paper bombs towards Fuji's group.)


(The paper bombs explode on top of Fuji's group in an enormous explosion.)

Akifumi: "Haha... Haha..."

(Akifumi grins in laughter.)

Akifumi: "Now... add the finishing touches... in case... someone survived."

Anbu members: "Yes... Akifumi-sama."

(Anbu members make multiple hand signs.)

Anbu members "Water Style: Water Bullet Barrage"

(They shoot multiple water bullets in rapid succession inside the dust cloud.)

(The barrage continues for a few minutes before they finish their assault.)

(Whoosh... Whoosh...)

(One of the Anbu members who appears to be the leader.)

(of the group jumps inside the dust cloud.)

Anbu leader: "Watch out for any survivors and finish them off."

(He makes some hand gestures towards the rest of the group.)

(Multiple anbu members take out their kunai and blades.)

(and enter inside the Mist cloud created by their earlier technique.)

Ao: "They fell for our trap."

(Ao reports to Fuji.)

(Elder Genji nods his head.)

Elder Genji: "This technique was created by the Second Mizukage... and it was one of his signature technique. Lord Gengetsu would summon his clam and create a mist field in the area to create a mirage of himself. Later... he passed this technique to his aides while modifying it according to the group."

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