Chapter 21: Infiltrating Kiri Part-1

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Izuna: "Hold on a sec... don't you need to interrogate them or something?"

(Izuna stops Mei from finishing them off.)

(Mei shakes her head in denial.)

Mei: "It doesn't matter... I already had an idea of the perpetrator... besides... the moment you free them... they will commit suicide. So, it is better for me to kill them."

(Mei finishes her hand signs and slams her hand on the ground.)

(Izuna secretly activates his Sharingan to copy the jutsu.)

Izuna [in mind]: 'I have got a gist of Lava Release... I just need some practice to learn it.

Mei: "Lava Release: Molten Catastrophe"


(The ground beneath the Anbu group trembles, creating a small rift.)

(The rift erupts and releases a large amount of lava.)

(The lava engulfs the Anbu groups and turns them into ashes.)

(The rift on the ground closes and everything returns to normal.)

Izuna [in mind]: 'Hmm... It is a quite powerful jutsu... but it is not feasible for quick fights. The time required to cast this jutsu is quite large.'

(Izuna shakes his head as he analyses the weakness of jutsu.)

Mei: "Sigh..."

(Mei sighs in relief and turns to Izuna.)

Mei: "I still have my doubts regarding you... but you have my gratitude for saving our lives."

???: "Miss Mei... Miss Mei...."

(A frantic voice fells in their ears.)

(The group turns around and notices a group of Anbus rushing towards them.)

(Mei and the group raise their guard for an unexpected enemy.)

???: "It's us, Miss Mei..."

(One of the Anbu members in front removes his mask to reveal his face.)

Mei: "Uncle Wakan..."

(Mei lowers her guard as she greets the newcomer.)

(Izuna nonchalantly looks at the group.)

(His attention is drawn by Ao, who is standing in the middle of the group.)

(He curiously stares at Ao... or to be more accurate at the sealing talisman tied around his ears.)

Izuna [in mind]: 'Strange... very strange... I have never seen such strange Fuinjutsu seals. I generally use seals on a scroll... but I have never seen such sealing Talisman.'

(Izuna secretly activates his Sharingan and closely inspect the talismans.)


(A chill runs down Ao's spine as he warily surveys his surroundings.)

Ao: "Humm..."

(Ao senses a gaze focused on him.)

(He looks around to search for the intruder.)

(Ao notices Izuna staring at him.)

(He frowns and scrutinizes Izuna.)

(Ao brings his right hand in front of his right eye and makes a hand seal.)

Ao: 'Byakugan'

(Ao activates his Byakugan and inspects Izuna's chakra signature.)

(Blue chakra flows through Izuna's chakra system.)

Ao [in mind]: 'There is no problem with his chakra system. His reserves are on par with a high-level jounin... which is quite normal for many clan members. But... why I feel a threat from this guy?'

(Ao turns to Mei and speaks.)

Ao: "Sorry, Miss Mei... for interrupting your discussion."

(He points towards Izuna and Kimimaro and questions.)

Ao: "Who is this person? There is no report of him being a part of the squad."

Mei: "Oh! He is... he is..."

(Mei frowns as she couldn't remember his name.)

Mei: "What's your name again?... Earlier... I forgot to ask your name."

Izuna: "..."

(Izuna speechlessly looks at Mei.)

Izuna [in mind]: 'I saved your life, and you didn't even bother to ask the name of your savior.'

Izuna: "Ahem..."

(Izuna clears his throat and introduces himself.)

Yuito: "I am Yuito Yuki, a member of Yuki clan."

(He points at Kimimaro.)

Yuito: "This little guy over here is Yuto Yuki... my little brother."

(Mei nods head in approval as she narrates the entire event to Ao and Uncle Wakan.)

(Uncle Wakan turns to Izuna and bows his head in gratitude.)

Uncle Wakan: "Mei is like my daughter. You have my gratitude for saving her life."

(Izuna shakes his head.)

Yuito: "It's fine. I was just passing by when I heard the sound of battle. So, I hid nearby to see the situation. After I figured out the situation, I helped her."

(Kimimaro silently stares at Izuna and the group.)

Kimimaro [in mind]: 'So... If I want to become like Messenger- san... I have to learn how to fool people.'

(Kimimaro jots this down in his memory.)

Yuito: "If you don't mind... I will continue my journey to Kiri."

(Izuna holds Kimimaro's hand and walks away from the group.)

Izuna [in mind]: 'I don't want any more trouble. Staying near them will spell more trouble for me in the future. I better stay away from them.'

(He hastily walks towards Kiri.)

Mei: "Wait... wait a sec!"

(A sweet voice fells in his ears.)

Izuna [in mind]: 'Here comes the trouble.'

(Izuna turns around and feigns confusion.)

Yuito: "Do you need something from me... Miss?"

(Mei shakes her head and points out.)

Mei: "Since both of you are moving towards Kiri and we are also returning to Kiri... so... so why don't we move together?"

[To be continued...]

Author Note: Izuna using his fake name Yuito so don't confused.

Stay tuned for next chapter.

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Love from odisha ❤️

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