Chapter 31: The Night Reaper Part-5

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(The Sin Seal on Izuna's hand wakes up.)

(Izuna frowns and looks at the seal.)

Izuna: "What's the matter with this guy? It has been pretty obedient in the past few years. Is it revolting or something?"

(The Sin Seal activates, and the Grimoire appears in front of him.)

(The Grimoire opens its page and forms a mouth.)


(It chomps down on the special Kunai in Izuna's hand.)

(Crunch... crunch...)

(The sound of munching of kunai echoes in his ears.)

Izuna: "...."

Izuna: "Give it back... Give the kunai back to me... I needed that for my research."

(Izuna frantically grabs the Grimoire.)

(and shakes it violently to make it spit out the kunai.)

Yin Kurama: "Oye!... stop with your nonsense. It is making me dizzy."

(The Yin Kurama growls at Izuna.)

Kushina: "Haha..."

Kushina: "Izuna is still as childish as ever."

(An apparition of Kushina chuckles.)

Izuna: "What?... Ku... Kushina... nee-san... you can hear me?"

(Izuna points a finger at the apparition.)

Minato: "Yes... we can see and hear you, Izuna."

(Minato replies to him.)

Izuna: "Even you... Minato-san."

(Izuna looks at the apparition of Kushina and Minato with wide eyes.)

Yin Kurama: "Oye... don't ignore me."

(The Yin Kurama growls at Izuna.)

Izuna: "Shut up... you pesky fox... or I will feed you to this book like that kunai."

(Izuna scowls at Kurama.)


(A shiver ran through Yin Kurama's body as it stares at the Sin Grimoire.)

(with dread It quietly lays down and closes his eyes.)

(Izuna turns towards Minato and Kushina and questions him.)

Izuna: "Since when..."

(Minato and Kushina smile at him.)

Kushina: "We have looked at you all this time. The moment we were sealed by you in this book. This book started to drain chakra from the Yin half of Kurama and used it to heal our damaged souls and with that last addition of pure chakra from that kunai... our souls were completely healed."

(Kurama opens one eye and remarks.)

Kurama: "They fed on my body or to say chakra. I never had any chakra in this past few years... and this book is still constantly draining all of my chakras as we converse."

(Kurama closes its eyes again.)

Minato: "Haha..."

(Minato chuckles at Kurama and introduces him.)

Minato: "The real name of the Nine-tails fox is...

Izuna: "Kurama... right?"

(Izuna replies to him.)

(Kurama's eyes-widens as it stares at Izuna.)

Minato: "Sigh..."

Minato: "Yes... I am not even surprised anymore."

(Minato sighs as he continues.)

Minato: "Since... our chakra and soul were linked together... we were able to converse and reconcile with him. I don't blame him anymore."

(Kurama opens his eyes and grins at Minato.)

Izuna: "Give a hug to big sister Kushina."

(Kushina rushes towards Izuna and hugs him.)

Kushina: "You have turned into a big boy in these past few years. I am sure plenty of girls have fallen for you."

(Kushina chuckles as she teases Izuna.)

Izuna: "It... it is not like that."

(Izuna hurriedly denies her.)

Kushina: "Haha..."

(Kushina laughs at Izuna's reaction.)

Izuna: "Soon... Kushina nee-san... I will heal both of you soon."

(Izuna clenches his fist as he promises to Kushina.)

Kushina: "You don't have to push yourself... Izuna- kun."

(Kushina pats his head.)

Kushina: "Naruto is truly blessed to have a caring big-brother like you. Also... I am waiting for the day... when I will be able to hug him in my embrace and shower him with all of my love."

Izuna: "Yes... that day will come soon."

(Izuna assures Minato and Kushina.)

(He turns towards the Grimoire and questions.)

Izuna: "What kind of thing are you? How are you able to do almost anything?"


(The Grimoire spits out the handle of the kunai, which hits Izuna straight into the face.)

Kurama: "Haha..."

(Kurama burst out in laughter.)

Kurama: "That's what you get for calling her a thing?"

(Izuna turns towards Kurama and tilts his head in confusion.)

Izuna: "What do you mean by her?"

(Rattle... Rattle...)

(The chains around the sin grimoire rattles.)

(Kurama immediately shuts its mouth and starts to behave like a cute dog.)

Izuna: "...."

(Izuna silently stares at Kurama and questions.)

Izuna: "Where is the dignity of the most powerful tailed beast which you boast of so proudly?"

Kurama: "Humph..."

(Kurama snorts and replies.)

Kurama: "I don't give jack shit about dignity. Besides, it won't help me in this situation."

Izuna: "...."

Izuna [in mind]: 'Is he influenced by me? I have been using such kind of cusses a lot.'

[To be continued...]

Author Note: stay tuned for next chapter.

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Love from odisha ❤️

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