Chapter 61: Secret Of The Ryuchi Cave

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Izuna: "Hold on a sec... we are in the Ryuchi cave."

(Izuna questions the giant snake again.)

giant snake: "Yes... you are."

(The giant snake answers in annoyance.)

Mei: "Wait... Ryuchi cave... Ryuchi cave... isn't it one of the legendary places alongside Mount Myoboku and Shikkotsu Forest. Together these three places are called the unexplored sage regions. One can seek forever for these places but could never find them. I am surprised we could come across this legendary place."

(Mei excitedly stares at her surroundings.)

Izuna: "How do you know about it?"

(Izuna questions her.)

Mei: "Books... haven't you read any books? I found the information about Ryuchi cave and the other sage region in one of the older books of our clan library."

Izuna: "Hmm..."

(Izuna nods his head in understanding.)

(He turns towards the giant snake and smirks.)

Izuna: "I wonder what do the 'White Snake Sage' of the Ryuchi cave seeks with us. There is no way... the Snake sage would personally pay a visit to the intruder of the Ryuchi cave."

Mei: "Wha... what? Snake Sage..."

(Mei's eyes widen as she stares at the giant snake.)

Izuna: "... she is the legendary Snake Sage... The legendary leader of the snakes of the Ryuchi cave."

Snake Sage: "Yes... I am the Snake Sage of the Ryuchi cave."

(The white snake nods her head.)

(She turns towards Izuna and questions him.)

Snake Sage: "How do you come to know of this fact?"

Izuna: "Well... as you saw earlier... I am a Sage myself... so with my heightened senses... I can sense the presence of another sage."

(Izuna states as it a matter of fact.)

Snake Sage: "Figures... but I have never seen such a unique sage Mode. If my guess is correct... then you didn't learn it in Mount Myoboku and Shikkotsu forest."

(The White Snake Sage asks him.)

Izuna: "No... I leaned my Sage Mode in Shikkotsu Forest... but I figured out the secrets of my Sage Mode on my own. Then later, I learned the necessary Taijutsu techniques from Mount Myoboku."

(Izuna reveals to her.)

Snake Sage: "Hmm..."

(The giant snake lowers her head and flickers out its tongue near Izuna.)

Snake Sage: "This stench... it is the stench of those stinky toads and slugs. Hiss... I can't stand their presence."

(The Snake Sage lifts her head and shakes it furiously.)

Izuna: "So... what's the meaning of this surprise attack and what's with that trial?"

(Izuna crosses his hands around his chest as he questions the Snake Sage.)

Snake Sage: "Very well... follow me..."

(The snake sage slithers deeper into the forest.)

(Izuna follows after her.)

(Mei hurriedly chases them.)

(While walking through the forest, the Snake Sage lifts her head and explains.)

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