Chapter 44: The Civil War of Kiri Part-5

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(In a secret hideout...)

(Obito stares at the map of Kiri laid on a table.)

Obito: "The preparations are complete. It's time to execute the plan."

(He folds the map and swirls out of the hideout.)

(Black Zetsu stares at his back and muses to himself.)

Black Zetsu: "Mother... it won't be long before... I free you out of your prison... You were right... mother... these humans are such foolish creatures... they are delusional to their very core."


(He enters inside the ground and follows after Obito.)

Black Zetsu: "I have recorded every incident of the Shinobi world into my memory... I will silently watch and record this moment too."

(Inside a large Mansion in Noble estate...)

(Akifumi stares at the group of the Mist Swordsman.)

Akifumi: "All of you did pretty well... I am elated by your magnificent performance. Now... we have to eliminate one more ally clan of the Terumi clan... and the victory will be ours. We will crush their rebellion and make an example out of them..."

(Akifumi clenches his fist.)

Akifumi: "... the position of leader of Kiri belongs to us. Mizukage is just for namesake... he is nothing but a puppet of our elder council."

(Akifumi turns towards the Mist Swordsman group.)

Akifumi: "I have another mission for you."

(He takes out a scroll from his pocket and passes it to Mangetsu.)

(Mangetsu opens the scroll and notices the picture of a woman.)

Akifumi: "... She is Mei Terumi... The daughter of Fuji Terumi... and is the future successor of the Terumi clan. I sent multiple ninjas in various previous attempts to assassinate her... but alas... she survived... every one of them... Those bunches of incompetent shinobis of anbu. They are useless..."

(Akifumi gnashes his teeth.)

Akifumi: "... anyway... I want you three to assassinate her... when you have an opportunity... killing her will deal a fatal blow to Fuji Terumi's spirit... and we will be able to easily wipe them clean. Haha."

(Akifumi orchestrates a scheme to assassinate Mei.)

Akifumi: 'It won't be long before... the entire Kirigakure will fall under my control. Grandfather... you founded this village and I will rule it.'

(Akifumi is lost in his delusions.)

(The Mist Swordsman walks out of the noble estate.)

(All of them depart their way.)

(Kisame looks at their departing back and sighs.)

Kisame: "Day after day... I spent my entire life... searching for meaning in my life."

(He slowly walks towards the outer edge of the village.)

Kisame: "What am I living for? Friend..."

(Images of his previous team with whom he completed various missions pop into his mind.)

Kisame: "No..."

(He shakes his head.)

Kisame: "The world is full of lies. They betrayed the village... so I had to kill them."

(Kisame stares at his hands.)

Kisame: "These hands were once soaked in the blood of my comrades. I don't have any friends anymore... I killed them with these very hands."

(Kisame clutches his hands into a fist.)

Kisame: "... then what am I living for?... Family?"

(Memories of the orphanage appear in his mind.)

(where he spent his entire childhood.)

Kisame: "No... I never had a family to begin with... I was an orphan from birth..."


(Kisame clutches his hands tightly as bones crackle within them.)

Kisame: "... then where do I belong to?... who needs me in this world? Will I die a nameless death... in one of the remote corners of this world..."

(He closes his eyes as he imagines the scenario of his death.)

Kisame: "A comrade-killer like me... never had any place... to begin with. This world is built on lies... and in this deceitful world... I am just a worthless fool with no meaning whatsoever."

(Kisame slowly walks deeper inside the slums.)

???: "That might not be true..."

(A deep voice interrupts his thoughts.)

Kisame: "Who??..."

(Kisame immediately draws Samehada and points towards the newcomer.)

(A masked figure walks out from the shadows and looks at him.)

Obito: "You have your worth... you have your own role to play in this world?"

(The masked figure slowly approaches him.)

Kisame: "Who are you?... Reveal your face this instant or I will have to consider you as an enemy."

(Kisame warily points Samehada at the masked figure.)

Obito: "I am Madara Uchiha..."

(The masked figure slowly removes the right part of his mask to reveal his Sharingan.)

(Kisame frowns as he stares at the Sharingan.)

Kisame: "Impossible... Madara Uchiha was killed by the First Hokage... Hashirama Senju... don't try to impersonate as him and try to fool me."

(Kisame attacks Obito with his sword.)


(The Sword passes through Obito's body.)

(without dealing any damage to him.)

Kisame: "What?..."

(Kisame's eyes widens as he stares at Obito.)

Kisame: "This is... how is this possible?"

(He gapes at Obito's invulnerability.)

Obito: "Now... do you trust my identity as Madara Uchiha?... No one... beside... Hashirama Senju was worthy enough to fight against me... but sadly... in our fight... due to a moment of letting down my guard... I lost the battle... and was almost killed by him. But... I survived... and now... I want to form an ideal world..."

(Kisame silently listens to Obito's explanation.)

Obito: "A world where no one will be forced to... betray their friends and forced to kill them. A world where there are no lies or deception... A 'World of Truth."

(Obito stretches as a hand towards him.)

Obito: "Will you join me for my noble cause... and help in the salvation of this deceitful world?"

(Kisame stares at the masked figure for a while before he replies.)

Kisame: "Let me think about it. I need some time to digest this information."

Obito: "Very well... tomorrow we will meet at the same spot... and I will reveal more information to you. Till then, farewell."


(Obito swirls out of the place.)

(Kisame looks at the empty space in front of him.)

Kisame: "A 'World of Truth' Huh!"

[To be continued...]

Author Note: stay tuned for next chapter.

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Love from odisha ❤️

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