Chapter 25: The Assassination Plan Part-3

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(Fuji's frowns deepen as he raises his voice.)

Fuji: "I won't turn my daughter into a pawn. And besides... we had yet to test his capabilities. What if... he is just talk... with no actual strength. I don't want to marry my beloved daughter to a random weakling."

Elder Genji: "Sigh..."

(Elder Genji sighs and continues.)

Elder Genji: "Political warfare isn't won through emotions. It is won through wits. The noble clans are clearly making a move against you. They are already aware of their failed attempt and I am sure this won't be their first attempt..."

(Fuji calms down as he listens to Elder Genji and ponders.)

Elder Genji: "...your daughter is your successor. If anything happens to her... then our faction will lose its future. So, I want to make sure there is a strong bodyguard beside her."

Fuji: "That seems plausible."

(Fuji nods his head in agreement.)

Elder Genji: "... as for his capabilities. We will let that matter to Noble clans to handle."

(Fuji frowns as he thinks for a while.)

Fuji: "Elder Genji... you mean to say that the noble clans will be pissed by this new variable and they will try to eliminate him."

(Elder Genji nods his head.)

Elder Genji: "Correct... I am sure they don't want any powerful ally to join you. Also... the next village meeting for new elders is around the corner. I am sure they will try every means to usurp your seat."

(Fuji thinks for a while before he nods his head.)

(He summons Mei over and sends her to Izuna's place.)

(Inside a large mansion.)


(Akifumi slams his hand on a table as he listens to the report.)

(He quickly dismisses the Anbu and made sure he was alone in the room.)

Akifumi: "Madara-sama must be disappointed by me. I failed to fulfill his objective."

(Akifumi clenches his fists as veins pop out from his head.)

Akifumi: "Ten elite Anbu members. I lost ten of my most elite Anbus in that fight with no success."


(He slams his fist on the table and destroys it.)

Akifumi: "The perpetrator must pay for his insolence. He dared to interfere with Madara-Sama's order."

(Akifumi angrily stares at a drawing of Izuna as Yuito.)

(He picks up the drawing and turns it into ashes.)

Akifumi: "Men!"

(Akifumi yells in anger.)

(A few anbus immediately enters the room.)

[To be continued...]

Author Note: stay tuned for next chapter.

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Love from odisha ❤️

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