Chapter 47: The Battle With Mist Swordsmen Part-1

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Mangetsu: "Hmm..."

(Mangetsu raises his head.)

(He notices a giant lava ball moving towards them.)

Mangetsu: "Get on your guard... it is an enemy attack."

(Mangetsu cups his hands together.)

(and stretches them towards the lava ball.)

Mangetsu: "Water Release: Water Hail"

(He fires a barrage of small water bullets from his hands.)

(The bullets nullify the lava ball.)

Izuna: "Ice Release: Shard Hailstorm"

(Multiple ice shards attack them from all directions.)

(Kisame jumps in front of the attack and makes multiple hand signs.)

Kisame: "Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave"

(He spits out a great volume of water from his mouth.)

(The water surges towards the ice shards and blocks the attack.)

(The ice hail freezes the entire water, leaving behind a large trail of ice.)

(Renjouro swings his blade Hiramekarei.)

(releasing multiple light blue senbons towards the ice.)

(The senbons pierces through the ice, shattering in the process.)

Mei: "... the surprise attack was a failure. I never expected the enemy to be this skilled.

(Mei frowns as she warily inspects the group of Mist Swordsman in front of her.)


(Mei and the group dashes through the forest to intercept the enemies.)

Izuna: "It will take too long for us... to catch up with the group."

(Izuna comments.)

Mei: "... then do you have a faster way to reach there?"

(Mei anxiously asks him.)

Izuna [in mind]: '... well If I use my normal speed... then it won't take me long to catch up with the group... but I am hiding my identity here... Oh! I almost forgot about it.'

(Izuna makes some hand signs and slams his palm on the ground.)

Izuna: "Summoning Jutsu"

(A large summoning seal appears on the ground.)


(A giant brown eagle appears inside the smoke.)

(Izuna jumps on its back and signals Mei and Zengetsu.)

Izuna: "... Hop on... It will be much faster through the air."

Izuna: "...."

Mei: "You should have done it earlier."

(Mei complains.)

Izuna: "I almost forgot about it."

(Izuna scratches the back of his head.)

Izuna: "... well... it's not too late. Hold tightly... we are going full speed."

(Izuna instructs them.)

(He gently pats the eagle's head.)

eagle: Scree...

(The eagle screeches and instantly speeds up.)

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