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"WHAT?",my friend Cole screams at me.
"Why are you acting this way?",I ask him.
His laugh coming out all humorless.
"Dude you just said YOU ARE GAY",he said with a disgusted face,my heart clenches hard,
not again....
"I thought we are friends and that you would be okay with it",I tell him with hurt.

Me and my Dad shifted here like two months ago,I wanted to come here because.....I Don't know,the previous house didn't feel like home anymore.
I joined architectures for my last year. I had to complete my course and Cole and I became friends like best buddies and I thought he would be fine with my sexuality but I didn't expect him to react this way.
"We were friends but not anymore,what if your presence makes me Gay too?",he says frustrated.
Seriously,who thinks like that? is people always like this?
"Fuck you Cole,because of people like you,people like us don't feel like living",I tell as I storm out.

I walk and walk and walk,until I feel like my legs are giving out,I see as I ended up to a place where people usually don't come,I came here once before,no one comes here.
There's woods beside the road,I go in that direction only to see a girl,she looks like she is in her twenties, she is sitting,just staring at nothing.
I go sit a bit away from her,I'm not here to disturb her though but I don't want to walk further too.
I sigh heavily,this place somewhat feels peaceful.

"So",she sighs heavily,"had a bad day?",that girl asks out of nowhere.
I turn to look at her but she is still looking ahead of her.
"Yeah,just had a fight with my friend,no actually an ex Friend",I tell her.
"Why?",she asks flatly.
I don't know why am answering to her,but again strangers are way better than the close one's.
"I told my friend that I'm gay and he said that he didn't wanted to continue our friendship and that he might turn into gay too if he stays with me",I tell her.
"Ughhh disgusting",she says and my jaw ticks.
She is no one to judge me,how can she just say disgusting to me on my face when we don't even know eachother, she could've just....
"Tell me you kicked that disgusting piece of dick head in his groin",she tells making me stare at her.
"YOU didn't say that I'm disgusting?",I ask her and finally she turns to see me.
"No, Why would I?",she tells calmly.
"I thought you called me...."
"Disgusting?",she completes and I nod.

She just sighs,"so did you kicked or not?",she asks again and I shake my head.
"I should've,isn't it?",I ask her and she nods at me.
I finally smile,she is the most beautiful women I have seen,she is a brunette,her hairs curled and swayed all over her shoulders,her eyes Hazel green,so light and fun? but yet there's some disturbing thing on her face,as if she is just hiding or like used to it?

"So,why are you upset?",I ask her and she looks at me.
Maybe no one noticed it about her,was I the only one who did?
"YOU don't know me?",she asks confused.
I look at her with confusion too,
"Are you famous?",I ask her.
She just smiles,if I was interested in girls I would've taken her away from the world.
"Sorry I'm new to this town,just shifted like 2 months ago,I still need time to adjust and learn about this town,so tell me,are you famous? Are you a celebrity or something?",I ask curiously.
"I never been so glad and at relief knowing that someone doesn't know me",she says and smiles.
"I'm not a celebrity but you said you have things to learn right? So you will know me eventually",she says and I nod.
"No wonder you don't know about my rumour",she says.
"What rumor?",I ask her.
"Some disgusting dick head in my college,forced himself onto me so I kicked him in his ass,he was furious and told people that I slept with him and dumped him the next day because I was done screwing him up and you know People,they don't give a shit about truth and now people are staring at me like I would screw anyone up",she tells without any emotions in her eyes.

Fucking assholes,"What happened to him?",I ask her.
"My brother took care of him",she says as if it's normal for her.
"Did he killed or something?",I ask her.
She laughs and shakes her head,"He would do that though but no, but he WILL if I say",she says.
Wow his brother would kill a person and she just said that so casually as if it wasn't a murder at all.
"I'm Nea....Nea Lexington",she stretches her hand out for me.
I smile,"And myself Warren Belmore".
She smiles shaking my hand.
"In which year are you?",she asks.
"Third and what about you?",I ask her.
"Second",she says.
"Then your age must be 24?",she asks and I nod.
"You are one year younger than my brother",she says and I swear to god I want to meet her brother I want to know who he is but I don't say that out loud,I will wait until she wants me to meet but again why would she be friends with me?
"I see",I tell her.
She looks at me,examining me as she looks ahead of her again.
"Friends?",she asks.
"Okay",I tell her and she smiles.

She stood up and stretched her hand down for me to take,I took and got up,she hugs me tightly making me go still.
"Don't think too much,why should we think about those people who don't give a shit about us,let's only think about the people who actually love us,that asshole didn't deserved to have a friend like you and fortunately I happen to be here today,I'm glad that I met you",she tells me almost making my heart melt with her words.
"I'm glad I met you too",I tell her.
She pulls back and stares at me and sighs heavily.
"I'm glad you told me that you are gay",she says and I look at her confused.
"I mean look at you,you are tall,way too much,you must be like 6 or something,your eyes will make anyone fall for you,you have the most handsome,hot face,people who Don't know that you are gay will definitely fall for you in a second",she tells me.
"Do you normally do this to a stranger,like hugging them or talking casually?",I ask her and she laughs.
"Nope,you are exceptional",she tells me.
"I'm flattered Miss Nea",I tell her and we both laugh.
I'm glad I ended up coming here.

HIS MISTAKE(2nd BOOK) | 18+ BL(BOYS LOVE)Where stories live. Discover now