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I'm so fucking pissed right now,he just left.
I go back to my car,I should fucking talk to him,Shepherd followed me,that's when I realised something.
"How do you know Warren?",I ask him.
"He's my patient",he says.
Patient? Why? Why does he need a therapist?
"From when?",I ask him.
"From 2 months",he says.
Which means Shepherd knows Warren before me.
"Why is he coming to you?",I ask him and he glares at me.
"Why do you think I will tell about my patient to you?",he says.
Right,psychologist doesn't reveal their patient's life.
"You know how to call a cab right?",I say and he glares.
"Don't mess with his head Nick,please he's a nice guy",he tells me,something flickers in his eyes.
I'm not liking it that he is telling me to...stay away from him?
What the fuck is wrong with me?
"You know I won't hurt him",I tell him.
"But unintentionally you might,now that I know who it is",he says.
"I will take care of it on my own,thank you,I won't hurt him,I just want to talk to him",I tell him.
"What do you wanna talk to him about?",he asks.
Right what do I want to talk to him?
I don't know but I just want to fucking see him.
Something is wrong with me,I know but I don't want to acknowledge it,not right now.
I just want to talk to him,he is pissed at me and I'm not liking that he is pissed at me.
We are not even fucking close,but why does it feels like we are?

I push the thoughts away as I drive to his home.
I park and ring the bell,he doesn't open,I bang on the door.
"Go away",he screams from inside.
I fucking want to beat him,he is such a stubborn man.
I kept on banging on his door with my fist.
He opens with a force,glaring at me.
"I said go aw...",before he could complete his sentence,
I slam the door shut and grab him by his neck and I press my mouth to his.
He immediately moans in my mouth.
God what is it about him? I always lose my control over him.
He tries to push me away but I pull his hairs harshly as I kiss him deeply.
He gives up as he grabs me to the couch,I still don't stop kissing him,he shoves me and sits on my lap,this is happening too often.

He rips my shirt as he sucks my neck,
Stop him,don't give him hopes.
My mind keeps screaming at me but fuck I have to admit I WANT HIM,GOD I FUCKING WANT HIM.
I don't know why but I liked doing it what we did that night,I keep wanting to do it again and again.
I want his mouth,I hold his head as I kiss him,harder,deeper,god it's addicting.
My tongue slips in his mouth and he grips my hips harshly.
I fucking devour his mouth,I'm so hungry,3 fucking weeks were a lot to me,I couldn't stop thinking about that night,I was going crazy.
I slip my hands in his pants as I grab his butt cheeks,he whines rubbing his Cock to mine,I moan when he does that again and again.
I bite his lips until I taste blood,I pull away as I watch his lips,it's swollen,red and I see blood,fuck what is wrong with me?
I have asked this question like million times yet I don't have a fucking answer.

"I WANT TO FUCK YOU NICK,SO BADLY",he says making me look at him from his perfectly gorgeous lips.
"I don't think I.....",I struggle to utter a word.
"I know,I fucking know but I don't understand why are you here then? Why are you kissing me? Why were you jealous when someone else kissed me? It was just on a cheek it wasn't a big deal anyway",he says and I feel myself clenching my jaw.
It wasn't a big deal?
I grab him as I kiss his cheeks again and again and again,I bite and suck on it,he just moans and squirms above me.
When I pull back I see a mark,I smile at that.
"I never knew you could be all jealous and possessive type",he says dropping his forehead to mine.
I breathe him in,he is definitely doing a black magic on me.
"I'm not jealous",I tell him.
"Yeah sure",he says hugging me and my body goes still.
This feels intimate,personal,too personal and too comfortable.
What is he doing to me?

I pull away from the hug and I watch him.
"I don't know what is wrong with me. I don't know why I'm here. I don't know why I was jealous. I'm trying to figure it out for 3 weeks now. I Don't like other men touching me,I almost felt like ripping their hands but with you.....I Don't feel weird",I say but he cuts in.
"You let another man touch you?",he growls and I smile like an idiot.
"Now who's the jealous and possessive type?",I ask him and he crashes his lips to mine.
I kiss him back like a fucking bastard I am.
He pulls back,"From today onwards no one touches you,except me",he warns.
"And no one fucking touches you too",I growl at him.
"Okay promise",he says dropping himself on me.
I like his weight on me,fuck am I becoming a....I Don't know 'something' for him?
God I just hope everything goes well.

HIS MISTAKE(2nd BOOK) | 18+ BL(BOYS LOVE)Where stories live. Discover now