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"You ready",Nea asks me.
"I was born ready",I tell her and she snorts.
We said Bye to dad.
Our flight was around 8 in the morning so we woke up early,it will be 12 hours flight which means flight will be landed around 8 at night.
She sighs heavily,my heart feels heavy too,I notice her as I give a gentle squeeze to her hand,telling her that we got this.

"You guys are adorable",I hear someone saying behind us,so many people misunderstood our friendship.
"I knew we would make a great pair",I tease her and she pinches the backside of my hand and I hiss,cursing her underneath my breath.
She smirks at me but I smack her head and she looks at me angrily.

"Yes Definitely adorable",the person behind us says again.

After 12 hours of flight,we finally landed at New Orleans Airport,I take a long breath and I held her hand,nodding at her.
Nea didn't wanted their parents or that asshole brother or that asshole ex boyfriend to know that we are here so we decided to take plane,so there would be less attention towards us.

We got a taxi and Nea told her home address,we sat quietly in the car,I know it's been more than 5 years but still I felt like I have always been here,my heart starts to ache but I ignore it.
I just hope we finish the work that made us come here and we will leave as soon as possible when it's done.

She messaged her brother with her new number,saying that she's home but will only be staying for two weeks,when he read the message he immediately called her and my heart caught in my throat.
"Nea",his voice gentle and vulnerable.
"Hey Nick",she says over a phone and I shift in my seat.
"Don't come home please,I will come to mom and dad's house",Nea says and I sigh heavily.
I can hear there conversation over phone.
"How are you?",he asks.
"I'm good,how are you and mom and dad?
Did you took care of them while I was gone?",Nea asks him.
"Yes I did",he says.
"I missed you",
"I missed you too,can't wait to see you,come home as soon as possible,mom and dad will be happy and even.....",he pauses and clears his throat and says,"Nothing,come home we all miss you".
"Okay",she tells him as she cuts the call and looks at me,I'm so silent,I don't want to talk about him.
She holds my hand,kissing the back of my hand and I give her a sad smile.

I just hope everything goes as I thought.

We reached her home,we took out our luggage.
I look up to the house,it meant a lot to her,I don't know how she is willing to give up on her house.

"So you are going to stay at my house right?",she asks me.
I sigh heavily as I watch her house,
"Are you sure you want to sell this house?",I ask her completely ignoring her question.
"I don't know yet,my mind is ready to sell but my heart keeps on making an excuses",she tells me.
"Don't sell it Nea,let's just meet your parents and you can spend whole 2 weeks with your family then let's catch the flight to go back",I say.
"I will think about it",she tells me.

"Let's go inside,it's cold out here",I say.
As I was about to walk,she holds my hand and I stop turning around to face her.
"You don't want to visit my family?",she asks.

My heart hurts,Nick's voice echoes in my head,
"I don't want you to be lingering around with NEA or My MOM".

"Warren",she calls but I'm still staring at the ground.
"DO YOU STILL LOVE HIM WARREN?",she asks me and I look at her immediately,she looks at me as if she is understanding every word that I'm not able to utter.
"WHAT ABOUT YOU NEA DO YOU STILL LOVE HIM?",such a simple question yet we both don't have any answers.
"How did we both end up like this?",she asks.
"Shouldn't have loved those assholes",I say and she gives me a sad smile.
I pull her closer for a hug,she holds me tightly,we stay like this for a minute.

"DO YOU MISS NICK?",she asks me.
"Yeah definitely not gonna answer that",I say,pushing her away.
"You do miss him,isn't it?",she teases me and I smack her head.
"Now I know how Nick learned from you and I learned from him and my mom learned from both of us",she says and I look at her confused.
"I mean smacking eachothers head",she tells me.
"Come let's go inside",she tells me as we went inside her home,I thought it would be all dirty but it's very clean.
"Nick is still the same as he was 5 years ago",I say while smiling at the house and suddenly I pause realizing what I just said and I clear my throat.

HIS MISTAKE(2nd BOOK) | 18+ BL(BOYS LOVE)Where stories live. Discover now