I went back to sleep.
Because what else should I do when the professor announces that we won't have any important discussion today.
Obviously, I will go to sleep.
Okay, normally I never do this. It's not my thing to fall asleep during lecture time. This is actually my first time sleeping in the classroom. That's Jannah's thing, not mine. But considering that there's this pulsating headache pounding every single inch of my cranium, I cave in and decided to take a nap instead of being productive.
This can also be counted as me being productive-since I'm still in the class. It just so happens that we don't have any discussion today. So yeah, this is still me being productive.
Going back to sleeping, the headache that's crushing around my brain somehow calms down. No wonder people keep advising to take a nap whenever a person has a headache, it actually helps. I thought it only takes one medicine to get rid of the headache, but now I learned that sleeping can also help, I will now be sleeping whenever I have a headache. Not only it benefits me physically, but financially as well. No need for me to keep a stock of medicine for headaches.
I failed to mention one crucial reason why my headache is slowly disappearing. The thing is, I'm sleeping right now, unfortunately that's not the only reason. The reason was this man sitting beside me in my dream.
Normally, this man will make my headache worse. Except that only happens in real life. We're in my dreams right now. So his annoyance didn't come through, only his concern and soft-spoken attitude.
Do I really have to spell it out, who this man is?
I stare at Emmett Larkin, listening to how his rehearsal went earlier with his bandmates. From the sound of it, the rehearsal went well, and it might have happened during the time I was in the cat café. Not sure if whatever he's saying right now is true since this is a dream after all, yet somehow, I believed every word this version of Emmett is saying.
It's been proven to me multiple times now that whatever Emmett is talking about something in my dream, it's somehow become true. Well, in this case, it already was true, and he's only telling me what had happened. Now he's talking about his rehearsal earlier.
"The rehearsal only went for 3 hours since the others have classes they need to attend." Emmett explains with this coy smile plastered on his face. The smile that shows that cute little dimple right below the left corner of his lips. "Which leads me here. I have very, very spacious vacant hours. So honestly, I have no other thing to do." He shrugs his shoulders, insinuating that he really doesn't know where else to go during his vacant time.
I know this is just a dream, I'm very aware of it. But hearing that he chose to hang out with me during his vacant hours did something to my heart. Something like how someone is slowly pushing my heart while it is on a swing, letting it enjoy the small moment.
How I wish this version of Emmett is the real one? I would have instantly fallen in love with him.
No, wait. What the fuck am I saying? This isn't right. Developing a crush on someone in my dream. That's not normal.
I shake off the thoughts in my head as I pull back a strand of rogue hair to the back of my ear. "Weren't you the one who can decide your schedule? Why did you choose to have a long free time?" I ask as I keep my eyes on him.
Emmett stares back at me for a whole moment. It's like he's trying to tell me something telepathically but I couldn't get the correct wavelength to understand whatever he was telling me. Eventually, he finally spoke up with a grin that made him look ten times younger.

In Your Dreams
Romance"Dreams have meaning," They say. "Dreams symbolize your current life situation," They say. Well, what does it mean and or symbolizes when I see that asshole, Emmett Larkin's face in my dreams? I doubt that means anything apart from he's the worst p...