8 || Emmett Larkin

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I stare at the clock in my phone screen while alternating my gaze between it and the door. I should have just told them to be back at quarter before 12, and now it's already a quarter past 12. We all agreed to be back here before 12, and yet, Samuel and Lance hadn't come back. Did they lose their way back or something? If I remember what I said to Phoebe correctly, the Café isn't that far from the campus. So why the hell do the two take their precious time to go back? It's not like there was an unforeseen obstacle that they encountered.

Come to think of it, maybe they saw Phoebe in the Café and decided to mess with her. Even though that's possible, they wouldn't just spend fifteen minutes making Phoebe Summers lose her temper-fifteen minutes isn't enough. I should know since I do it all the time. It would take at least thirty minutes to completely make her lose it. That's based on my experience and my skills towards annoying her. For Samuel and Lance, I'm not sure how much of an expert they are to annoy people. But if we're talking about Samuel, I'm certain he'll be more precious rather than annoying.

He's literally a little boy stuck in an adult body. That's what makes him precious.

On that note, why the hell am I suddenly feeling something boiling inside my chest at the thought of Samuel acting precious towards Phoebe? It's the same boiling feeling too when I saw Alecks and Phoebe together in my dream.

Maybe I'm being dramatic, and it's only the side effect of drinking that Sting energy drink. It's the acid reflux or something. I don't even know whether I have that or not, but that's the reason I could think of.

"What's taking them so long?" Alecks groans out. I tore my eyes off my phone and the door to see him lying flat on the ground with his head staring directly at the ceiling. He indeed had this habit of fully lying down on the ground with no care in the world.

Asher must have his eyes on Alecks too since I heard a soft snicker from him. "Aren't you uncomfortable in your position?" He queries, concerned about lacing all over his voice.

We both watched as Alecks attempted to shake his head. In this case, he just looks like he's only rubbing the back of his head on the tiled floor. "I'm fine," He says before reaching an arm out in the air like he's trying to reach for the ceiling above him. "I can make myself sleep in this position."

"Can you though?" I ask, suddenly curious if he can really make himself sleep in an uncomfortable setting.

Instead of replying back to me, he only closes his eyes and steady his breathing. Oh God, he's actually doing it. He's making himself fall asleep on the ground. I'm not a medic expert, but I think the cold tiled floor against his back might give him back pain the moment he awakes from his nap.

A tap of a finger on my shoulder caught my attention and I turned to face Asher. With raised eyebrows, he speaks up. "Should we even let him do that? He might regret it after waking up like that."

I stare back at a closed-eyed Alecks, contemplating the shared concern Asher and I are having right now. By the time I decided to stop him from making himself fall asleep in that position, the door suddenly opened revealing the two men we're waiting for. Luckily, the sound of the door hinge was loud enough to make Alecks open his eyes.

With a sigh of relief at the sight of Alecks haven't fallen asleep, I turned my gaze to the two men. At least one of them is holding out a bag of something while the other is... Is that a little kitten?

"Samuel, did you kidnap a cat?" I stood up from the couch and marched my way to him. I kept my eyes on him before glancing down at the small cat he's previously holding between his hands.

"Catnap. This ain't a kid," He mutters as he raises the little kitten a little higher for me to examine it more. "And yes, I indeed grabbed this little guy. I named him Muffins."

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