26 || Emmett Larkin

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That was far too vulnerable for my comfort. I can feel Phoebe's eyes burning a hole and piercing right through my soul while we perform. Among everyone in the room she could stare at, she chose to stare at me. A mixture of emotions began boiling deep in my stomach, the feeling of annoyance was the one emotion that was dominating anything else. I think there's something else that is dominating, but I'm not sure about that one especially since I've already gotten rid of any gooey emotions that could distract me from my goal. But it was in there, in the mixed, I just don't want to contemplate it even further to avoid any of it developing fully.

I had to step out for a moment and breathe some fresh air. Whatever, that second emotion was too much. I can't really describe it, but whatever it was, I'd rather not delve into it, especially since Phoebe Summers might be the one that had caused that.

The moment I stepped outside the room, I tried to count until fifty just to calm every nerve I have. Even when I was marching out the door, I could feel her eyes following me around like a puppy. The urge to turn around and meet her gaze was itching both my skin and my insides. But I had to stand my ground and keep walking, unless something inside me would fall.

Fall without anyone catching me.

Once I'd cooled down, I swung the door open. The moment I stepped inside, all eyes were on mine, not just Phoebe's. Like earlier, I did my best to ignore her gaze until I sat back down on my stool. I had only heard a portion of what they were talking about, but I think I got the gist of it.

What I feel irritated about was the fact that I appreciate Phoebe's enthusiasm and interest in joining the band. The way she suggests that we should do a song that's more familiar for both our ages and for the professor was intriguing. Such a shame I didn't think of that first. Now I feel sour about the fact that Phoebe was the one who proposed it.

I cross my arms over my chest, finally lifting my head up to glare at her. Not a casual glance, but more of a judgmental stare. If she really is keen to join the band, the least I could do to keep myself safe for her was to act strict rather than friendly.

"Do you have anything in mind that we can try right now?" I didn't mean for my voice to bellow from the depths of hell with how deep it was. Unfortunately for her, that was the first tone of my voice when I decided to be strict. "Or we can take a different approach if you don't like my idea." I arched an eyebrow at her, glaring directly at her eyes. There's a hint of shock that flickered in her pupils that sends a wave of satisfaction all over my nerves. The urge to smirk was at arm's length, but I have to keep it strict.

I watch as Phoebe blinks as she looks for something to answer. She even raises a hand and rubs her eye gently, buying herself more time to think about it.

Someone nudged me on the side and I had to turn to see who it was. Asher is now leaning his entire body towards me, his eyes filled with concern. "It's her face day, don't intimidate her that much." He whispers before leaning back to his stool.

"I like the approach," She stammers before a sheepish smile forms on her lips. "It's a great idea to make the audience walk down the memory lane we've all walked before. Like those times when we don't have anyone but the music we loved." Phoebe releases a nervous chuckle by the time Lance gives her a soft clap. I turned my head at him and he immediately stopped clapping while his bright smiling face fell down.

"So, what's the problem then?" I ask, the tone of my voice gets more and more tense with each voice.

Phoebe shakes her head, the long silky hair dances around with the motion. By the time she's done shaking it, some of her strand got stuck in front of her face. I watch as she plucks the hair strand and tug it behind her ear. "Nothing," She says, giving me a bright smile. "But I think we should try a different song. A song that isn't heavily focused on male vocals, maybe?"

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