18 || Emmett Larkin

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I think my brain has stopped working. There aren't any thoughts entering or leaving my mind. I'm here blankly staring at Phoebe Summers as she sings and enjoys herself while holding a microphone. The way she sings was quite unexpected. I honestly thought she's either a terrible or decent singer. But what she showed to the whole crowd wasn't anything terrible or decent.

It was phenomenal. That's the first time I had used that word for describing something, and it terrifies me on a certain level. Especially since I'm using it to describe Phoebe's performance.

I blew out a slow breath, still trying to pull my entire consciousness back. But I failed. I'm still staring at Phoebe, my eyes filled with awe every time her voice plants a gentle kiss inside my ears.

Luckily, someone nudged me with their elbow and I practically came back to reality. With a shake of my head, I turn to see Alecks wearing a shit-eating grin. Seeing Alecks grin for the umpteenth time this evening is creating small dents to my patience right now.

I force a friendly and casual smile at him while both of my arms cross over my chest. "What do you want?" I ask, wanting to hurry whatever this conversation we will be having so that I could focus back on observing Phoebe. Not that I'm enjoying seeing her perform. It's just that I want to check up on the enemy to see what my best move will be.

Definitely not enjoying her singing, nuh-uh.

"You look like you're enjoying the show," Alecks mutters. He even points a finger towards my face, nearly poking my nose with it. I smack his hand away before it could even touch my skin.

He releases a soft chuckle, and I'm here standing in front of him with a deep frown on my face. I glanced around to see if any of Phoebe's friends heard what he said. When I notice that all of them are too busy taking a video of Phoebe performing, I turn my attention back to Alecks.

"I'm not enjoying the show, for your information." I cleared my throat before turning back and watching as Phoebe proudly sang her chosen song. She looks like she's enjoying her time. I remembered her mentioning that she hadn't sung in front of a crowd before. So, this might have been her first time singing in public. It even seems like it's an amazing first experience for her. A small twitch from both of the corners of my lips nearly made me smile. Thankfully, I shook it away and kept a stoic expression. "I'm merely observing the competition. You know, like I always do whenever there's a competition at hand." I aim a side glance at Alecks before watching Phoebe's every movement.

"Whatever you say," Alecks nods his head and finally turns his attention to Phoebe. "But you can't lie, she has a remarkable voice. Plus, her stage presence is something else."

I slightly turn my head to at least check Alecks in my peripheral vision while still watching Phoebe Summers sing her lungs out. From where I am standing, I can see a slightly appreciative smile on Alecks. My stoic expression softens before glaring back at the woman clearly enjoying her time singing her heart out.

I'm well aware of Chappell Roan and her music. Honestly, I even enjoyed listening to some of her songs. But the fact that Phoebe chose to sing one of her songs is something interesting. I didn't really expect her to sound so good, her voice really suits the song. I wonder how good she sings other songs.

"Maybe it's the song choice that made her sound so amazing." I accidentally mutter out loud.

"Or it could be that she's simply a natural." Alecks turned his head slightly, flashing me a small smile. He went back on watching Phoebe sing.

I kept watching her sing, fighting back the smile that seems to be threatening to show up on my face. While I'm fighting an internal battle, someone tapped a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see who it was and was greeted with Hanz' wide grin. I swear Hanz and Alecks had been hanging out so much with each other that they both had the same grin on their faces.

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