43 || Phoebe Summers

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"How long have you guys been in my dorm?" I ask them as we get up the stairs.

"Are we seriously heading back to her dorm?" Abby mutters, heavily panting while she's hanging on the stair railing for dear life. "We just got down from there."

"True, but we saw something juicy, and we have questions." Jannah murmurs as she pulls me close to her, holding me tight on the arm as if preventing me from running far. JD is even behind me to make sure I won't run back out the entrance of the building. Meanwhile, Lilian and Abby are on either side of me, an extra step for making sure I won't be able to escape.

"Can we just ask the questions here in the lobby?" Abby mutters again, a groan escaping her lips. "I mean, there are couches on the lobby floor. We can use that."

"Yeah, but, there's alcohol in Phoebe's dorm." Jannah adds, nodding her head before flashing me a small smile.

I stare at her with a weird expression. "There isn't any alcohol in my dorm." I shake my head, remembering vividly that I don't have a bottle of anything alcoholic in my dorm. Because one, I don't drink that much. And two, I don't drink that much. I can give another reason, but the main thing is that I don't drink that much. I hope there aren't any misunderstandings about me drinking. "There isn't really any alcohol in there," I repeat to make sure they heard me the first time around.

JD chuckles from behind me, his hand placing down on my shoulder before he leans his head closer. "Well, there's one right now."

I glance over my shoulder only to see JD grinning like an idiot. "What do you mean there's one right now?" I ask with a perplexed expression. There's no way they sneaked some alcohol in my dorm without me knowing.

"I knew buying that bottle of alcohol would come in handy," Lilian murmurs which made me snap my head at her.

My eyes are wide and wild while I stare at her. "You bought a bottle of alcohol and hid it in my dorm?" I ask, quite loudly, that some of the people walking down the stairs gave us some weird looks. I don't blame them, there are four people on either side of me, and they hike up the stairs while holding me in place.

"Yeah, why not?" Lilian said, sounding like she's speaking to someone who's stupid.


Jannah nudges me on the back gently, pushing a mouthful of air out of my lungs. "It's for a special occasion. I even left some trail mix in your cupboards."

"Before I could go back to my place, Jannah showed up just around the corner holding a bag of trail mix." Lilian explains, while the two of them share a laugh. "One thing led to another, and we decided to just hang around in your dorm for a while."

"Which also leads to JD showing up as after he found out, we're hanging around in your dorm." Jannah adds with a nod of her head and a gentle smile on her lips. "And sooner or later, Abby showed up as well, and we had a movie marathon in your living room."

My mouth was left open while I switched between all four of them. "Okay, give me all of your spare keys to my dorm." I mutter, looking quite irritated that they decided to have a movie marathon in my dorm, without even inviting me. "No more secretly hanging out in my dorm." I held out my hand and waited for any of them to give me their spare key.

A cacophony of groans echoed around me as the four shared murmurs of defiance. Neither of them looked like they're willing to give me their keys. A groan came out of me after hearing them complaining and refusing me to give their keys.

"Okay, fine. Next time, just tell me if you guys are hanging out in my dorm." I mutter out to silence their murmurs of complaining. "I don't want any surprises like that." I spew out, their murmurs fading out and replaced with a nod, acknowledging what I'm asking for.

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