17 || Phoebe Summers

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I'm not drunk. I am definitely not drunk.

Did I really hear Alecks right? Maybe I am a little drunk, that I accidentally heard something horrible coming out of Alecks' mouth. It was so horrible that I felt all of my muscles tense up. But I don't feel drunk. There's no way I'm drunk, I'm not even drinking any alcoholic beverage. Only avocado juice, nothing else.

Just to be sure, I glance down inside my cup to confirm that I'm still drinking avocado juice. There's a world where my cup has mysteriously been filled with alcohol that I didn't notice. Someone should have spiked my drink when I wasn't looking. That's impossible though, I'm always aware of my surroundings, there's no way I didn't notice anything weird.

I take one tentative sip, trying to decipher if there's suddenly a different taste in my drink. Thankfully, nothing tastes different, it was still the same avocado juice I had been drinking. Plus I wouldn't think the former president of the student council would let people spike the beverages in the kitchen. He wouldn't let that slide and would definitely have called people out about the spiked drinks. Also, this isn't high school anymore where spiked drinks are a thing. Well, except if someone still finds it funny to mess with the beverages.

Okay, with all of those main points, I think I can deduce and finally create a conclusion. So basically... I'm not drunk, thank God. But that undoubtedly means...

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask, my voice accidentally raises up. The people in front of me turned their heads to stop murmuring with each other until Alecks caught my eyes. "I wasn't listening. What did you say?" I did my best to sound polite even though I'm having an internal panic. I need affirmation that I did not hear Alecks correctly, and I certainly wouldn't be having a singing competition against the fucker that's standing beside me.

When I said fucker, I meant Emmett Larkin. I think that's already been established in the very beginning of my college life.

Alecks grins at me, which isn't a great sign to see. "A singing competition. You and Emmett," He turns around the faces that are looking directly at him. "Well, it can't just be the two. Anyone can join and have fun." He turns his head back at me and flashes a small smile. A smile so innocent that it made it look like he hadn't done or said anything horrible. An angelic face with a horrible idea. I would absolutely choose to burn in hell than competing with this fucker standing beside me.

Again, it's already established that Emmett Larkin is the fucker. I honestly don't even want to mention his name because I'm doing my best to ignore him. That was the entire plan before I showed up at this party. Ignore Emmett fucking Larkin until the party is over, or until one of us got into a freak accident. Preferably him before me.

A harsh chuckle escaped my lips, playing it out that he's simply joking, and he honestly didn't really mean that Emmett and I should be competing with each other.

Damn it, I keep on mentioning his name instead of pertaining him as fucker.

Going back to the subject, it's not that I don't want to compete with the fucker. I would gladly try to bring him down. But singing in front of the crowd isn't really what I was thinking of competing against Emmett. There's a high chance I would lose since everyone in our campus had already known Emmett's talent while I'm nobody. Because I'm lame and don't go to parties like this. It would be lamer if I say this is my first party that I attend throughout my college life. But yeah, that's true.

"So, how about it?" Alecks claps his hands to get our attention.

I stare at him, hiding away the shame that's already building up inside of me. The only thing that escaped me was the forced smile that's lifting each corner of my lips just to be kind and civil towards Alecks.

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