35 || Phoebe Summers

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“Sure?” I hear Lilian ask me one more time while I'm here sitting next to her, slowly losing my mind with her asking that same questions for every minute. I'm not even exaggerating. She keeps track on each and every minute that passes and once a minute had passed, she'll pause the film we were watching and asked me that one word question.

I simply nod my head with a forced smile lifting each corners of my lips. Honestly, I don't even remember the plot of the movie that we were watching. Lilian kept pausing it every minute just to ask that annoying question whether or not I'm sure that nothing is happening between me and Emmett. Which I'm definitely, certainly, will die for anyone in the world. That's how sure I am.

“How many times should I even answer your question to finally leave me alone?” I ask, slowly losing every ounce of patience I have left. Lilian didn't answer my question—because why the fuck would she, right? Instead, she simply narrowed her eyes and from that one single movement, I know for a fact that the question will be thrown back at me. “Can we please finish the movie?” I thrash on the couch, “I don't even remember the main story of the movie from all the pauses you take.”

Lilian waves a dismissive hand in the air as if my distress doesn't bother her at all. “Don't mind the movie that much, it's awful anyway. I've already watched it.” I stare at her open-mouthed, unsure what to even say after hearing her confess. Luckily, she seems to be prepared to speak even without me saying a word. “The movie was merely a distraction to see if you've changed your answer.”

“I think that only works if you don't ask them the same question every minute,” I grunted through gritted teeth. Leaning my body close, I quickly snatch the remote control from her grasps and play the paused film on the television.

“Hey, I said don't mind the movie. It's awful,” She tries to pry the remote control out of my grasp. Unfortunately for her, I'm prepared to anything she'll try to throw at me just to get the remote control. Years of practice of being stoic and aware of my surroundings to not let anyone steal the remote from my hands. “Give me the remote,” She begs after making her last feeble attempt to steal the remote from me.

A chuckle escapes my lips, though I didn't mean it to mock her. I simply did it because the film Lilian made me watch was about a teenage girl who wishes to be an adult. I don't remember the film, but it's about something something turning thirty, or something. I don't know about Lilian, but this film is hilarious.

Another chuckle escapes my lips, totally ignoring Lilian who's silently scowling at me from the side. “Oh, come on! It wasn't that funny anyway. The joke got dry after watching it a million times.”

I turn my head at her, confuse about that last statement she'd said. “I thought you didn't like the film. How come you've watched it a million times then?”

“That's what made it awful for me. I got bored with watching it over and over again.” A loud groan came out of her, “I used to love watching and rewatching that movie. But recently, I got tired of it me and sometimes find myself replaying the movie itself inside my own head.” She cringes for a second before turning her attention at me, “I'm pretty sure I can recite the entire script of the movie at this point.”

I watch as she slumped down on the couch deeper than before. “What's wrong?” I ask. Clearly something is bugging her, and I know for the fact it isn't about the movie we're watching. I point the remote controller to the television and lowered down the volume just so I can hear her speak loud and clear. “You can tell me,” I coax as I shift closer to her.

A pout slowly forms on her lips and turned her head to finally face me. She has her eyes wide as a puppy eyes and I suddenly have a feeling that this was all for a show. I could be wrong though, but yeah, Lilian never flash her puppy eyes at anyone unless she's messing with them.

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