12 || Emmett Larkin

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Option one, I can tell Mr. Millard that Phoebe Summers and I are talking about getting her to the clinic because she looks like a mess right now.

Sounds innocent enough, but what I actually wanted to do was to force her to enter the god forbidden clinic on this campus. Seriously, the staff in the clinic can be so sassy all the time. I don't know what their deal was but most of the staff inside the clinic were actually students who have on the job training, and it's usually the students who are very sassy. Considering that Phoebe Summers felt ill earlier before she took a nap, I honestly want to bring back her illness just for me to have another photo of her looking like a mess in my phone.

I lean closer to Phoebe, keeping my eyes on Mr. Millard. "What do you feel about going to the clinic?" I murmured slowly, making sure Mr. Millard wouldn't notice that I was speaking to Phoebe.

"Now?" She mumbles back, slightly louder than I was anticipating. It made me wince since Mr. Millard might have heard that. But when Mr. Millard went back to talk with the students in front of him, I released a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, want me to walk with you in the clinic?" I ask as I turn my head at her. Any evidence of her feeling ill disappeared, and I wonder if it'll happen again. And when it happens again, my phone will be ready to take action.

Phoebe goddamn Summers flashes me a smile. A smile that is as bright as the sun ray blasting through the windows behind her. Maybe she thought I'm being soft and kind to her. She hadn't known about the sassy hell that is called the campus clinic. "Thanks for the offer, Emmett. But you're a bit late on that. I feel somehow better now," She reaches out to give my shoulder a gentle pat. It's like telling me that I did a good job by being so thoughtful. Seriously, doesn't she know about how sassy the people are in that clinic.

Okay, come to think of it, perhaps they were only sassy when it comes to me. Now that I thought of it, that's a little unfair. Phoebe Summers gets the kind treatment when she's feeling sick and visits the clinic while I get scolded while getting treated.

I don't know what I had done to make the staff in the clinic become so sassy at me. Sure, it's like every week I visit there because some injury during rehearsal occurred, and I have to go to the clinic to get it treated. Maybe the staff got tired seeing my face every week? That's absurd, a face like this couldn't make other people feel tired seeing it. There's just no way.

Well, there goes option one.

Mr. Millard went back to gossiping with his students and Phoebe's attention turned to her phone. She's doing her very best to ignore my existence right now. That's very noticeable, especially her eyes occasionally glancing at my attention before returning to her phone.

There's option two. I can somehow try to blackmail Phoebe with the photo of her sleeping, threatening her that I'll send the photos to my friends. But that's too extreme and horrible. I want to annoy Phoebe, but not in a way that's evil. I still have some conscience in me, and it's saying to go easy on her, especially now since considering that she did come from feeling ill.

But out of curiosity.

"Hey, what would you do if I blackmail you with a picture of you sleeping?" I gently ask her, all of my muscles tensed up as I ready myself from defending any incoming blow she's about to throw at me.

Phoebe snaps her head and stares at me with wild eyes. Okay well, I was only asking a question, she doesn't need to look so scary before answering. See, she's the problem here, not me.

When she hadn't spoken after a few seconds, I leaned away from her just in case. This handsome face can't risk receiving a punch from her.

"I was asking politely and respectfully," I blink several times at her. I kind of hope she'll notice that I'm only feeling curious. But the idea of blackmailing her was a bit hilarious.

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