29 || Phoebe Summers

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I was ready. I don't know what I was ready for, but my body felt like it's ready for something to happen. The way Emmett takes a step forward and closes the distance between us, it makes my body burn in flames. I feel feverish-maybe I had a cold or something. I never felt this way to anyone before, which scares me.

Whatever Emmett was planning after he'd closed the short distance between us was immediately interrupted by the sound of the doorknob twisting while loud chuckles came from the other side. We both tense up the moment the door swings open. I was afraid to look who it was that nearly witnessed whatever Emmett, and I were about to do, but then I saw Emmett's facial expression morph into a slightly agitated look, and I began to panic.

I turn to see my friends chatting to each other while JD is holding the door open for the rest to enter. They were all too busy chatting with each other, but all the chatting immediately stopped when they finally turned their heads inside and saw Emmett and I standing, our faces inches away from each other.

Oh my God, now I understand why the agitated look on Emmett's face. I can feel my cheeks glow a bright shade of red when I meet my gaze with my friends. Oh God, I hope they don't think that Emmett and I were about to kiss-despite that, what it actually looks like. But wait, was Emmett's intention to close the distance between us was to kiss me? I shake my head to get rid of that impossibility-though, I didn't miss the fact that my heart skipped a beat from that image of Emmett's lips touching mine.

A hand swings to my face as I force out a fake cough, ignoring the obvious shocked and confused look from my friends. They weren't the only one who was surprised since behind them someone else pushed them gently aside to see what's happening. My eyes met with Alecks while his eyes switched between Emmett and me.

"Oh, you guys are here." I play it off and begin to step away from Emmett. We were standing there in silence for far too long. Long enough to make our friends draw a conclusion from what they almost would have witnessed. I make my way to Jannah and pull her into a hug. I wasn't concerned about the confused and surprised look on her face, I just wanted to distract them from the obvious red flow of my cheeks.

"What's going on?" Asher peeks his head from behind my friends before stepping inside. He smiles his way around, greeting my friends before facing Alecks and Emmett. "Did I miss something?" He asks them and a simple recall of the awkward moment seconds ago brought back the already fading flushed look on my face.

"Phoebe just invited her friends over to watch us practice," Emmett answers. His nonchalant tone made me feel jealous, since I'm here trying to hide the fact that I'm blushing like an idiot.

I pull back away from Jannah enough to see her questioning look. Without giving her a minute to speak, I immediately turned my back on her and faced Asher. "I hope it will be okay for them to be here. Plus, they can act as the audience while we practice in front of them." I gesture a hand towards my friend, I even glance over my shoulder to see their faces. Unfortunately, they all still wore a questioning look.

Meanwhile, Lilian is just grinning like an idiot and looks like she's ready to burst and pepper me with questions about what she just nearly witnessed between Emmett and me. I simply met her gaze and forced a smile, mentally telling her to keep her mouth shut until we're both alone. She gave me that look, her eyes narrowed while a smirk lifted her lips, a clear sign that we're definitely going to have a conversation about what just happened-or what had nearly happened.

"Oh, it'll be fine, Phoebe. Don't worry about it." I hear Asher say and I turn my attention back at him.

Though, my attention wasn't fully back at him. Standing beside him was Alecks who's staring intensely at Emmett. To make this scene even funnier, Emmett appears to be glancing anywhere but at Alecks' direction.

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