Just keep talking to Samuel, and everything will be alright. Keep your eyes on him and don't ever look behind you.
The words loop endlessly in my mind, a mantra meant to anchor me. A reminder of some sort. I've convinced myself that as long as I stay focused, as long as I don't glance over my shoulder at the person who feels like a living storm, I'll make it through the evening unscathed. Literally just keep talking to Samuel and all of this will pass.
Oh, the person in question? Emmett Larkin. The one and only. Like there's no one else in the room that I felt a strong sense of danger. He's dangerous for both my mental state as well as my emotional well-being.
I knew he was here the moment I stepped into the room, his presence impossible to ignore despite my best efforts. The moment I stepped foot into the room, it was like thunder striking down upon me, the electricity flowing in my veins as I did my best not to glance over. I don't need to see him to know where he is; it's like my senses are attuned to him in a way that makes no sense and drives me mad-crazy even. Still, I've been steadfast in my mission: avoid eye contact at all costs.
Well, mostly steadfast. Emphasis on the word, mostly.
A few times, something caught my attention, and I couldn't help but glance his way-accidentally locking eyes with the very person I'd sworn to avoid. Each time, I tore my gaze away, my heart racing as if I'd been caught doing something forbidden. And each time our eyes met, my heart skipped a beat and anxiety courses through my veins, pumping ever so fast before I could tear my gaze off from him again.
Luckily, the universe had seen my dilemma and gave me some sort of solution.
Thank God for Samuel.
I'd practically begged him to keep me engaged in conversation, anything to keep my mind off Emmett. It started as aimless small talk, but soon it turned into something deeper, more interesting-a lifeline I clung to. As long as I keep my attention away from Emmett, everything is all good.
"What do you mean you're unsure about Lilian?" I ask, crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow at him.
Samuel hesitates, then offers a sheepish smile. "Don't make it sound like I'm about to break things off with her-"
"Break things off? Wait, hold up." My gasp is so dramatic I slap both hands over my mouth. "You're dating her?" My words come out muffled, but the shock in my voice is unmistakable.
Samuel shrugs, and I feel an uncontainable wave of excitement bubbling up. "Since when?" I demand, practically vibrating in place. "Oh my God, I can't believe that bitch didn't tell me anything."
He smirks, amused by my reaction. "Two weeks ago."
"Two weeks?" My voice is louder than I intend, drawing a few glances from nearby.
I risk a quick look over my shoulder, praying I haven't drawn Emmett's attention. Thankfully, he's still deep in conversation with Asher and Alecks. I exhale in relief. Crisis averted. For now, at least.
Turning back to Samuel, I shake my head in disbelief. "I can't believe she didn't tell me. I'm going to strangle her the next time I see her."
Samuel chuckles but quickly grows pensive, his playful demeanor giving way to something more serious. "Being with her is... fun. I've never met anyone who makes me feel so comfortable, except maybe Lance and the others." He hesitates, his gaze dropping to the floor. "But lately, I've been second-guessing myself."
The shift in tone catches me off guard. "What do you mean?"
He lifts his head slowly, his hair falling forward as he flashes me a soft, almost hesitant smile. "It's like... I don't know. It feels like she's hiding something from me. Like there's this part of her she's keeping locked away."

In Your Dreams
Romance"Dreams have meaning," They say. "Dreams symbolize your current life situation," They say. Well, what does it mean and or symbolizes when I see that asshole, Emmett Larkin's face in my dreams? I doubt that means anything apart from he's the worst p...