Of course, I wouldn't get what I want. It's always that. The universe will always find a way to give me the middle finger whenever I want something. In this case, I want to be as far a Phoebe Summers, but the universe says, "Fuck you." All thanks for Alecks. My good friend, Alecks. Who will soon be a not-so-good friend after this.
I lean my body back on the wall behind me as he kept scolding me about, well, everything. Everything that's about Phoebe Summers. Saying things like how unreasonable I am to keep on being mean to her or something along those lines. Halfway through him scolding me, I turned him out and simply stared at the ceiling above me.
All I wanted to tell him was that I made a vow to myself that I don't have any plans on being close nor being Phoebe Summer's friend. I will only speak to her if necessary. Like during group presentation and even during band meetings or rehearsal, that's the only time I will interact with her.
Those are the things I wanted to tell Alecks. But after I could even try to finish the thought process behind-not mentioning the dream thing I kept on having since that'll be embarrassing on my part-he straight up told me that I'm being unreasonable and cruel to her.
At what part does that sound unreasonable and cruel? I'm trying to keep my heart intact and not get soft on anyone any more, not like last time. But Alecks doesn't see that, he doesn't understand my logic. Which is weird since normally both of us will agree on something. Right now, he's arguing with me about my way of thinking.
He even attempted to bring up my ex. That she's the problem and not other people. Alecks even says something about how he thinks Phoebe is different. It's like he's trying to say that he could set me up with Phoebe Summers since she is so different. Insert sarcastic tone here.
Now I'm stuck here, my back on the wall behind me, on the receiving end of Alecks' scolding. Fun fact, the usual suspects that's on the receiving end of this scoring session with Alecks are Hanz and Samuel. I don't need to elaborate on why it's always those two.
"Are you even listening to me, Emmett?" Alecks places a harsh hand on my shoulder, somehow pushing me backwards even more and hitting my back on the wall. It didn't hurt, but it did bring my attention back to him.
"Yeah, sure. I understand, don't worry." I mutter, with the confidence that I indeed understood what he's trying to say. He narrowed his eyes at me, his arms crossed over his shoulder. There's a hint of a ruthless side of Alecks that's slowly showing up from the corners of his eyes. I let out a loud sigh, my shoulders slumping down, and it pushes me away from the wall a little bit. "No, I wasn't listening." I admit which made the Alecks force a groan out of his throat.
"Why are you so hard on her anyway?" His eyes soften, a silent offer of sympathy and understanding for whatever I'm about to tell him.
Should I even try to tell him about the dreams and stuff? Stuff like I think I'm slowly falling in love with her attitude. Or should I leave that one and just straight up tell him about the dreams I kept having. The inner turmoil kept raging like a storm on a winter day while the most caring eyes were staring right through my soul.
Alecks had perfected the ability to use puppy eyes whenever he wants to know something important. Much like he would like to know what I'm feeling right now for any future reference. For that reason, he was the one who showed me how I should be treated when I was dating my ex. From the moment I introduced her to them, Alecks already had a bad feeling about her. He kept telling me that, but I was too stubborn to even listen to him. And guess what happened? He was right, and I was left picking up my broken heart from the ground after she stomped it multiple times.
It turns out, Alecks found out that my ex-girlfriend was actually dating someone already before we became a thing. She made me her side lover while she was in town and her actual boyfriend is far away. The guilt of giving my all just to love her before realizing someone was already present in her life was eating me alive after I found out and even got punished for it. The problem was, Alecks found out first, but I found it out the hard way. One day, while I was about to leave my apartment, a random dude immediately pulled me along and beat the shit out of me. It happened so fast that I didn't have time to react. While he was beating me up, he kept cursing at me and saying things like "Stay away from my girlfriend, you motherfucker," all while punching me. Someone had pulled him away, and it was her, yelling at him to stop.

In Your Dreams
Roman d'amour"Dreams have meaning," They say. "Dreams symbolize your current life situation," They say. Well, what does it mean and or symbolizes when I see that asshole, Emmett Larkin's face in my dreams? I doubt that means anything apart from he's the worst p...