Chapter 14: Trainwreck

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(Maya eats a bran muffin and hears a knock on the door. She opens it and finds Amber sweating and panting)

Amber: Take off your clothes.

Maya: Did you jog here?

Amber: Yep. (Comes inside) Now take off your clothes. I have an hour before work, and I want to spend a small portion of it with you.

Maya: Okay cowgirl slow down, maybe we can skip the sex for now and just eat maybe talk. Act like a normal couple instead of a couple of rabid bunnies.

Amber: What are you talking about?

Maya: It's been a week since you practically tackled me and you haven't come up for air since. Did something happen at work? Or was E.L James admitted, and she gave you a few sex tips? I'm serious what's going on?

Amber: What's going on is that I am a young, virile, queer woman in a mostly accepting age and I want to celebrate that with another young, virile queer woman. Why are you trying to turn sex into a bad thing?

(Amber prowls to Maya with intention in her eyes but Maya tries to stay on topic)

Maya: I-I'm not saying it's a bad thing I'm just saying there's such a thing as too much sex and I don't want to come to work smelling like it. Can we just eat and catch up, actually talk instead of rolling around the floor naked? Just sit down and I'll make you some scrambled egg whites.

(Amber scratches her head as her lust dials down)

Amber: You know what, I don't have time to eat, and I can't be late for rounds so I guess I'll see you tonight. Have a good day, stay safe.

Maya: What? Amber-

(Amber leaves before Maya could finish)


(Amber, Taryn, and Levi work the pit. Amber vents to Levi)

Amber: Since when has having too much sex been a bad thing. I mean its proven that sex can increase the body's serotonin levels, is it a bad thing to be happy? What does she know?

Levi: I think she just doesn't want you to end up in those weird support groups where people talk about their sex lives and end up having sex with each other. I mean look at David Duchovny. Sex isn't all there is to a relationship you know.

Amber: What do you know? Your conquests are fictional, I mean Jo? You seriously want me to believe that?

April: She-Karev, Schmitt you're with me. Two rigs are pulling up in a minute both of them have teenage boys rescued from a house fire. Gown up!

(Amber, Taryn, and Levi follow Owen, Meredith, and April to the driveway where Warren comes out of an aid car)

Meredith: What do you got, Warren?

Ben: 14-year-old male, blunt abdominal trauma, and a penetrating injury in his upper thigh. Bleeding from a scalp lac. I pulled him and his brother out of a house fire, chemistry experiment gone wrong.

(The pull the kid out of the rig who panics)

Kid: Did I kill my little brother? Please. He's gonna be okay, right? Mom's gonna be so mad.

Warren: Lungs are clear, vitals are stable, saturating 95 in the mask. He's been in and out of consciousness.

Kid: I was just trying to teach him chemistry. Can you tell my mom? That I wasn't doing anything wrong?

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