Chapter 17: Sisters

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(Amber looks at her phone to see any updates from Maya, while Jo fills out her applications)

Amber: Still no response. Damn it, I moved too fast, didn't I? I asked Maya to be my date to the wedding and she's freaking out thinking that I want to marry her right after my brother does. I put myself out there for the first time in a long time and where does it get me, sitting in a table with my roommate staring at my phone like some insecure teenager. I should've known better, why don't I know better?

(Jo looks up from her laptop having not heard Amber due to typing her applications)

Jo: Sorry, did you say something?

Amber: (Chuckles) No, I'm just ranting about my love life or what's about to be the end of it. I asked her two days ago and she still hasn't answered my texts or phone calls. I mean we haven't been dating that long and I just asked her to be my date to a wedding, for all I know she tossed her phone from the space needle.

Jo: She's a firefighter in one of the largest cities in the country, she could be busy putting out fires or saving cats from trees. In a normal workday how often do you check your phone?

Amber: Fair enough. I just want to know if I was brave or stupid asking her, and I would know that by her calling me back. Enough about me, what about you? How are your applications going?

Jo: I've already applied to UC San Francisco and the Cleaveland Clinic. North Shore and Baylor have already called me with fellowship offers.

Amber: Well of course they did, you're the chief resident and you're currently working on a revolutionary project that could give people who can't get transplants mini livers to keep them alive. (Sips coffee) What about Harvard? Have you applied for that minimally invasive surgery fellowship that people are raging about?

Jo: No! Its super prestigious and its impossible to get into it. They are not gonna pick me. It would be dumb if I applied

Amber: Jo, I'm desperately waiting for my girlfriend to get back to me with an answer to a question that I probably shouldn't have asked. That is dumb, you applying is not, the worst they can say is no through an email. Ball up Wilson.

Jo: Your right, I'm gonna ball up or ovary up.

Amber: That a girl. Hey, since we both have today off maybe we can hang out and go window shopping for the wedding. I mean shopping for dresses is the fun part.

Jo: Yeah! Where do you want to go?

Amber: What's the one place girls like us can window shop for hours to not end?

Both: The mall.

(Amber and Jo get up and leave for the mall)


(Maya scrolls through her phone and sees the numerous texts and calls from Amber at the table)

Andy: You expecting a response?

Maya: What?

Dean: Your eyes have been glued to that phone for two days now. Is your girlfriend not getting back to you?

Maya: She's not my girlfriend. We haven't put a label on it and I'm the one who's trying to get back to her, but I can't. I want to reply but every time I try to, I just pause.

Vic: Why? Are you guys having problems?

Maya: No, things are great, things are more than great its just...she asked me to be her date to her brother's wedding. And that is an insanely big step I'm not sure I want to take.

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