Chapter 22: Run

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(Amber, Taryn, and Dahlia walk down the hall looking at their phones. Amber swipes through her dating app)

Amber: Too old. (Swipes) Whoa! Way too old. (Swipes) Favorite movie is Fifty shades? Oh no! (Swipes) Remind me why I decided to let you two convince me to get this godforsaken app.

Dahlia: Because you need a date for the wedding and since you're the maid of honor all eyes will be on you. And the bride of course. You don't want to look like a sad old spinster, do you?

Taryn: I'm pretty sure spinster went extinct last century. But yeah, she's right you don't want to be the sad and lonely maid of honor, do you?

Amber: I'm sad and desperate? At least I'm not taking a clumsy sack as a plus one while being hopelessly in love with a woman who is both my boss and straight.

Taryn: Just swipe right, maybe some sex will improve your mood and make you nice.

Amber: I am being nice I'm trying to make you see reality, although that clearly never worked on both of my family members. So, what do I know?

Taryn: I am being realistic. Any minute now, she's gonna realize I am the love of her life.

Dahlia: Meredith Grey is straight.

Amber: Thank you Dahlia.

Taryn: Ever heard her talk about Cristina Yang?

(Andrew appears in front of them with bags of blood tests)

Andrew: Hey. Someone needs to run this bloodwork up to the lab and we need extra hands at the pit.

(Taryn and Dahlia play rock paper scissors)

Andrew: Hey! You know, we're also shorthanded in the clinic today, and there is a nasty hemorrhoid in bed seven that needs to be lanced and drained.

Dahlia: I've got the bloodwork!

Amber: I call the pit!

(Amber and Dahlia quickly turn around)

Amber: He's in a mood.

Dahlia: Oh yeah, having your girlfriend get deported will do that to you.

Amber: Is it bad that I don't feel bad for Taryn?

Dahlia: Not in the least.

Amber: Exactly what I was thinking.

(Amber arrives at the pit where she approaches Dr. Hunt)

Amber: Dr. Hunt, I was told you need an extra set of hands, where do you need me?

Owen: Uh take beds 4 and 5 and report back to me if its serious.

Amber: Okay.

(Amber goes to bed 4 where a thin woman holds her stomach. Amber checks the tablet and sees the patients name is Norah Wood)

Amber: Hi Norah, I'm Dr. Karev I'll be your doctor for today. Can you tell me what's wrong? Are you having stomach pain?

Norah: Only always. It happens after I eat; I eat one sandwich and my stomach feels like it's on fire and then an hour later I vomit like crazy.

Amber: Is that why you're so thin? I was thinking that it was anorexia but if you're eating and then vomiting involuntary there's a whole story there.

Norah: I was always normal weight; I mean my doctors thought I was shy a few pounds but I balanced out the scale when I got pregnant. It wasn't until almost a couple of years ago when I noticed the pain when I eat, it got really bad a few months ago when I started vomiting.

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