1. Screen

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I'm tired of scrolling through social media. But when I'm tired, I scroll through social media. What if I remove all of it? I've done it before, yet I still come back, scared of what I'll miss out on. I just have 430+ friends on Facebook. I've unfollowed most of them as well, as they shared random posts and memes. It's boring. I want to learn something. I still have Facebook for updates on colleges or universities I would like to enroll in. It's not even certain if there are state universities and colleges (SUCs) that will accept me. I was not aware of their college admission tests (CATs), had no money, and was scared to ask my parents so I could participate in them. I thought I had a lot of potential, yet here I am, going to scroll through my phone again to see if there's any update I might miss out on. I'm back, and there's nothing.

Starting this 10,000 thought is even boring. I could just play Roblox, Mobile Legends, or Stardew Valley right now, but then again, it's boring just doing one thing. I want to write this while grinding on Roblox. I want to write this while listening to music on YouTube. I can multitask, but now, I've chosen not to. Maybe I'm getting too immersed in how fast I'm typing on this laptop that might stop at any moment. For 6 years, I've had this laptop. It's not even mine, but from my brother, who has another in the next room. Both laptops are old and charger-dependent, yet I'm proud that this is still alive until today. I used this for creating our research papers in Grades 11 and 12, as well as asking AI every question and thought that it can provide. AI doesn't even have a gender, and I don't know, and I don't care about that either. But as I said, AI's been really helpful.

Multitasking is easier than before. I can watch anime while eating, doing the dishes, or doing anything. I have my phone beside me right now, and yeah, it has a lot of battery life, and I really, really want to use it.

My problem seems odd. As most said, many people are struggling to have a meal in their day. Yet here I am, asserting that I'm not thankful for what I have. Yes, I am thankful, at the same time, I don't control a lot of things. The only thing I can control is my mind and my thoughts. I don't even know the meaning of most of the things I've just said. I just love typing this fast. No one would even read as far into this. Well, if there's anyone. I just love typing.

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