For the weakest part of me (lírico)

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I hate you my heart.
I hate your emotions!

I would rather tear you apart, you little emotive me.
I would enjoy your desperate struggle to survive, your screams would be my liberty song.

Why i can't take you out and simply destroy you?
You troublesome passionate goddamm soul of mine.
Why i need to live with that?

Maybe the psychopaths are better without your freaking ideas, without your desperate struggle to being loved.
I hate you with all my forces, my heart!

I prefer take you apart of me and hear your screams while i stab you.
Maybe I'm beginning to be crazy, maybe i am insane for saying all of this.
You are a useless garbage inside my chest, i hate you with all of my forces.

I hate you being part of me, disgusting and disgraceful emotions!
I will step on you all, you have no meaning in my life.
I will step on this disgraceful feeling.

And you, heart, i will have my revenge against you.
I will hear your screams in deep suffering

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