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My Fatima Marie Wilson-Pitts, I am a 34 year old woman who is married to Senator Ian Pitts. I come from a long line of politicians, the Wilsons are basically political royalty and my mom's Family the Devilles well they basically have every politician in their pocket which pretty much makes them untouchable. When Ian and I initially got together we were truly inlove we were both pursuing our careers as lawyers until Ian's brother died in a horrific accident and that made his family push him into politics. Ian comes from a political family too however they are not as high up the chain of command as my family. 

Ian and I met in high school, it was love at first sight he was my first everything and he catered to my every need. Like me Ian loved being under the radar, it basically allowed us to do whatever we wanted and choose which ever career we wanted to pursue. We attended Harvard together, got our first place together when we turned 18, got married at the age of 20 and life was completely blissful until the day that Calvin died. Ian loved his brother dearly, the two were two peas in a pod even though Calvin was the golden boy in the family. Ian's parents never made him feel any type of way or less loved but everyone knew Calvin was the golden boy because he did everything without effort, he never complained and he made sure  that he does whatever is expected of him the exact way his parents wants him to do it. Ian however was a bit of a rebel and he lived by his own rules. After Calvin's death Ian was responsible for the Pitts legacy which meant that I would now be a politician's wife something Ian promised me I would never be. Shit I've seen what this life did to my mom.

Growing up I had everything I needed and wanted, I truly lacked nothing but perhaps love. My dad congressman Henry Wilson has been in politics his whole life, the man was groomed to be a politician since he was in diapers. My mom Mona Deville-Wilson comes from the infamous Deville family, you really don't wane ever fuck with that family cause they can be ruthless as fuck. My mom used to be such a baddie until she married my dad and now she's just a shell of the woman she used to be. Growing up my mom had a little spice to her but the higher up the political hierarchy my dad climbed the more my mom lost who she was.

I grew up in a house where we were basically invisible until we were needed for a photo op. We were taught to be perfect all the time because we were always being watched. As a middle child I tend to be able to get lost in the crowd, no one ever pays attention to me which is how I like it. My brother and sister usually draws attention which leave me in the background just the way I  liked it. My brother decided to follow my dad's footsteps and has a promising career in politics, my sister always loved the lime light and therefore decided to become one of the highest paying models. I loved that I had the ability to blend it with normal people and not be caught by paparazzi but that all changed when tragedy struck.

Me, Fatima Marie Wilson-Pitts

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Me, Fatima Marie Wilson-Pitts

Me, Fatima Marie Wilson-Pitts

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