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After serving Ian with divorce papers he threatened to go on a smear campaign so that no one would fuck with me, but my dad told him to try that shit and his and his family's political careers would be ruined and they will become has beens in DC. He signed those divorce papers so fast.

I was finally free and I was ready to live my life. After spending a month in Clovelly I came back to the states, my sister wanted me to crash with her in LA for a while because we haven't spend some quality sissy time together in a while and us being together at my parents home after the shipwreck made us realize how much we missed one another.

Sasha and I basically became inseparable whether we were sipping cocktails on a beach somewhere, attending parties or whether I was with her on set we were joined at the hip. My face was plastered all over the tabloids and blogs talking about how happy I looked after the divorce which makes people wonder what really happened behind closed door in the Pitts residence. Just like that I became the political it girl, my sister and I spent nights going through my DMS and laughed our asses off at how everyone was trying to take their shot at me.

Zac and I were speaking regularly and he's been upgraded to my bestie. Between Him and Sasha I was pretty happy. I started helping my lawyer friends out with cases to brush up on my skills again for when I eventually decide to fully practice law again. I haven't told Zac yet but I was moving to Atlanta and no not to pursue him like Sasha is saying but because I got a job offer there that I'm thinking about taking plus Zac has been going through a lot and if he needs a friend I wanted to be close by.


I was officially back at work, life has been going on as usual. The kids were busy getting ready to leave for college. When they weren't running errands they were busy hanging out with their friends. Karen has been busy attending various social events and if she's not doing that she's at her father's house catering to his every need. I'm left to work and fend for myself. At this point I just didn't care anymore. Fatima and I initially started sending one another letters and I looked forward to receiving her letter every other week telling me about her latest adventures. Our letters then turned into us calling one another even though we only knew one another for a while since we met in London, our weekly calls allowed us to really grow a mutual admiration for one another.

Fatima Wilson became my best friend, I spoke to her more than I spoke to my wife. She asked me about my day and work because she genuinely cared. The closer I got to Fatima the more I saw the flaws in my marriage and the more distant I became. It took Karen months to actually notice that I was no longer begging her for attention.

One night I was working late at the office and Karen's father Michael was finishing up a few things. Truth be told the company hasn't been doing well. After I gave my report stating that we needed to close a few of our branches in Europe Karen and her dad had a fit and basically called me incompetent. Now the company is facing some financial troubles and Michael is trying his hardest to save his ass. I went into Michael's office and we had a brief discussion about closing the Europe branches again when he started calling me out my name and then started complaining about the tightness of his chest and the next thing I know he collapsed. I called 911 and they were there within minutes transporting my father in law to the hospital.

I called Karen multiple times but no answer then I send her a message telling her that her father was taken to the hospital and that she needed to make her way there. I was in the waiting area waiting on her when she finally entered looking like she was about the have a panic attack. I took her to her dad and the doctor said he had a mild heart attack. Her father blamed me immediately which made Karen fly off the handle immediately. My wife made a scene and she talked down to to me like I was some random street dude and not her husband or the father of her kids. Instead of saying anything to her I walked out of the hospital and went home in tears. I couldn't believe that this was actually my life.

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