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***Outgoing Call***

Zuri: Hey dad.

Zac: Hey I'm just calling to see if I should come pick you up cause I can get you at the corner in 30 minutes. Instead of driving from where I'm at and going back home just to go out and pick you up I thought I'd make it one trip if that's okay with you.

Zuri: Actually I'm at the Silverstream hotel, I'm almost ready so you can just text me when you're here.

Zac: What you doing at that dump?

Zuri: Long story dad but it's not important.

Zac: Okay I'll be by you in 10 minutes cause I'm close by. ZuZu whenever you feel ready to talk to me know that I'm here and if you don't feel comfortable speaking to me Fatima is there. Zoey speaks to her anyway and she's like a vault.

Zuri: Thanks dad, I'll see you now now.

***End Call***

Nothing good has ever happened at this hotel it's basically a whore house for prostitutes. Shit I hope my daughter is not into any shit like that. I can't help her unless she asks for my help or she actually speaks to me. When I saw her on Tuesday at Zoey's place she looked like my daughter and yet she didn't. I knew that she must be having a hard time but she wasn't opening up to any of us either.

When I pulled up to the hotel I saw her waiting for me outside, she jumped into the car and we made our way home. She didn't say much but I knew she had a lot on her mind. The drive also felt awkward because Zuri and I never had a relationship where we just spoke to one another the way Zoey and I did. Zoey was  a daddy's girl and we spoke about any and everything. Zuri and I never bonded the same way Junior and I never bonded however right now Junior and I are so close one could never tell that we never had this bond

We pulled up to the house and Zuri grasped the same way Zoey did when she first came to Fatima's house. We entered the house and some music was blasting and the aroma of Sasha's Tacos was filling the house. We were met with laughter and singing in the kitchen. Zoey greeted her sister with a hug evidently she was already tipsy. Sasha greeted Zuri politely but was still on the fence. Mona embraced her like she was her own granddaughter and Zuri could feel the warmth and love immediately. Fatima made her way down stairs with the baby monitor in her hands, walked straight into my arms and gave me a long kiss. "I missed you" She said before she pecked my lips once more and turned to Zuri saying " I'm so happy you came, welcome to our home" with a warm smile. I then took Zuri to the mancave to meet Jackson and Henry. The men spoke to her for a while before we went back into the kitchen where she could mingle with the ladies. Junior of course was under Ti where he is most days. Even with Zavier here the two are always with one another Junior loves the motherly love she gives him. He saw Zuri and greeted her though he still had his fences up it was pretty evident he missed her.

Zac: Babe can I talk to you in the room real quick?

Junior: You know the 6 weeks ain't up yet so don't be tryna get all up in my mom and hurt her.

Zac: Man I swear these kids are all up in my grown ass business. I just want a minute with my wife. I'll return her back to you Mama's boy

Junior: You better I'm timing you.

Fatima: Junior baby I'll be right back okay, I think daddy has something important to tell me.

Junior: He always pretends it is important when it really isn't.

Ti and I made our way to our bedroom for some privacy. When I closed the door she immediately invaded my mouth with her tongue. I really can't wait till the wait is over cause I'm gonna fuck the shit out of Roxy. I broke out of the kiss cause I really just wanted to talk to her plus we both were already horny as fuck.

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