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After our amazing family vacation we all felt refreshed and also extremely sad because we've been spoiled by being around one another everyday. The girls went back to LA and Junior went to DC while Zac and I went back home to an empty house. We wanted to look for a new home to accommodate our growing family but since my parent bought ZoZo her own place we decided to lay off finding a new home. Zac and I were so excited to have our baby and it was definitely becoming a reality. We were officially in our second trimester and my belly was super visible, the baby was healthy and growing very well. Zac has been over the moon and has been making secret trips to the store just to get baby gender neutral baby clothes.

We haven't confirmed the pregnancy or even address it after the viral video with Karen where Junior blurted out his concerns for the baby. The Michael Wilson foundation will be having a soiree in honor of my late grandfather's birthday to raise money for his charities, this will also be the pregnancy belly's official debut and of course our first appearance as an engaged couple. Everyone that matters will be there politicians, celebrities, my ex, you name it and they will be there. During one of my brother's visits to Atlanta, Andi introduced him to one of her friends named Sabrina and he really took a liking towards her. I'm not sure what's popping between the two but I heard through the grapevine (my mom) that she would be attending with him. Sasha and Zoey will also be bringing their dates, I know my sister doesn't date anyone seriously. I kinda wish that she would find Mr. Right and start settling down because she's out here teaching my baby her ways and Zac is close to having a heart attack cause Zoey has gotten the reputation of being a player like her aunt. Junior has a little girlfriend but they are not serious enough to meet the family however my dad already did a background check on her and her family and he approves. Dad encouraged Junior to bring her to the soiree.

Zac and I debated about going back to London this summer then spend some time in Paris, Portofino, Milan and Lake Como but baby Taylor is due on the 11 of July so it sucks that we have to move our summer vacation back an entire year but I also know that our home will definitely be full cause there ain't no way our loved ones would go on holiday when we have our little bundle of joy. My parents are trying to convince us to move to DC before he or she born and stay for a few months after but honestly I just wane be in my own home with my man and baby. I might have to force everyone to go on their vacations so we can have some time alone with the baby. Besides Zac and I wanted to gift Zoey an all expensed paid Europe trip as a graduation gift.

Instead of staying at my parents the weekend Zac and I decided to fly in the on the day of the celebration, I wanted to some alone time with my man and I also wasn't in the mood for the loudness nor the drunkenness. When we arrived we spend some time with the family and took a nap before we had to get ready for the night. I wasn't in the mood for people, to make small talk or pretend like I gave shit but I had to. I knew I was representing the Wilsons tonight. My dad gave us a the "What is expected of us" speech which my mom, siblings and I heard like a thousand times already. We got into our cars and made our way to my late grand father's mansion.

Everyone complimented my glow up and were so friendly with Zac, Even while he was having conversations with important people and networking Zac never left my side and always paid attention to me. We always had a little PDA happening so today was no different, The kids introduced us to their dates and I kinda liked Junior's girlfriend but I'm a mom so I was still skeptical as for ZoZo's date Zac straight up did not like him, to be honest the guy was a bit too handsy. Sasha was a grown ass woman so we couldn't tell her anything but her date was a walking red flag, she has really poor taste in men.

I've been able to avoid Ian and his family, Thank God. After our divorce the Pitts went down a few steps on the social hierarchy, which pissed Ian's mom off cause her ass is as pretentious as they come. His sister approached Zac, Sasha, the kids and I and in true Wilson fashion we were polite and tolerated her ass while she was trying to throw shade and she flirted with Zac but he was not about that life, Sasha was about to show her ass though so I had to save my sister from herself.  We keep on forgetting that Zoey's ass is just as fiery as Sasha's, we were so focused on getting Sasha away from Ian's sister we completely forgot about ZoZo and just as she was about to get Ian's sister's ass Junior grabbed her to avoid any scenes cause Zoey and Sasha knew how to show out and we knew my parents won't be too happy about that. The evening went by pretty well everyone was congratulating us on our engagement and our little bun in the oven. My father was introducing his son in law with so much pride and I sat back and watched proudly. Shit even my mom was in a good mood and she hated events like this. Before the party was over my dad formally introduced Zac and the kids to everyone making a speech about how proud he is of me and how happy he is that I finally found a man that would move mountains for me, he went on and on bragging about his new grandkids. I saw someone staring a hole into my head and saw that it was Ian looking pissed as fuck, I instantly became super uncomfortable and of course Zac who know me better than I know myself sensed my discomfort and immediately found the source of it. He pecked my lips to let my know everything was okay and that I was safe. I instantly got up and straddled him while he pulled me into his embrace and I sank into his arms. I honestly didn't care where we were and who was around us. My dad joked that Zac had made me extra clingy and it's a miracle I actually walked tonight cause he had to carry me everywhere, everyone giggled and admired my new found love.

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