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Hey Ti just letting you know that I miss you so much. Love you

I'm sorry I should've never said the shit that I said. I'm so so so extremely sorry. You're my best friend and sister and I hate not being able to speak to you.

I love you


Mommy just said you won't be coming to DC this weekend. I was hoping to see you especially since you haven't been responding to any of my messages for the past 3 weeks. I'm sorry okay. Love you

DC sucked without you. Everyone is blaming me for you not being there. They're probably not wrong and I'm very sorry for being a bitch towards you. Listen Jay is going on tour in 2 months starting in Europe and I'll be with him for the most part of the tour between my own gigs. I hope we get to see one another before I leave. I love you always

I stared at yet another message from Sasha before putting my phone down and heavily sighing while getting into bed. She's been blowing up my phone ever since the talk at my mom's and that was 4 weeks ago.

Zac: Baby you know eventually you'll have to speak to her. We are having our pregnancy reveal next weekend, are you really not inviting your sister?

Fatima: I do want to invite her I think, I'm just not fucking with her right now like at all.

Zac: Invite and if she comes cool just be polite. Cause I know you miss her a lot and it's taking everything in you not to reply to her messages.

Fatima: I know you're right.

I grabbed my phone from next to my bed and said a silent prayer before texting her.

Hey, hope you're doing good. Look I'm having the family over next Saturday I would love it if you could join. If you are able to make it please let Zac and I know so we can make a booking at the hotel for you if you're not staying at Zoey's.

I'll be there next Saturday. Love you.

Viewed her message and put the phone back down. I honestly wasn't in any mood for mushy shit.  I rolled over gave Zac a kiss and laid my head on his chest.

The pregnancy reveal approached faster than I expected everything was planned to the T thanks to Zoey who has been taking charge in ensuring that everything was perfect.


Zac and I decided to host a little family dinner before our pregnancy reveal tomorrow. We only invited my parents, the kids and their partners since they were already staying with us for the weekend and Jackson and Sabrina.

In these past few weeks Sabrina and I have actually gotten really close. I loved how we were both mature and I feel like she gets me and where I'm at in my life right now. I'm also super excited that she's about to marry Jackson which makes her my sister naturally and before you guys come at me no I'm not trying to replace Sasha she'll always and forever be my baby sister but we're just not seeing eye to eye right now.

I'm officially 14 weeks along this week and I have the cutest little belly. For dinner I was dressed in my Puma x June Ambrose oversized Tee and a pair of jeans. I didn't wane expose my belly before tomorrow. Zac had a chef prepare dinner for us and he had a bartender preparing drinks for those that were indulging. Zoey and Trent were the last ones to arrive, the atmosphere was filled with so much love and good energy just the way I want this entire weekend to be.

Zuri: Wait so you left her at your apartment?

Mona: who?

Zoey: Yeah mom invited her for tomorrow's little get together. I wasn't going to be the one to ruin mom's vibe by inviting extra people.

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