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At first I thought Zoey was laying it on thick the amazingness that is Fatima Wilson. See my sister has the tendency of being overly dramatic, like the girl exaggerates about everything so I took everything she said with a grain of salt. Firstly cause my dad is a normal boring simplistic kinda guy. Something must be wrong with Fatima if she's with a guy like him. Don't get me wrong I love my dad but she's way out of his league by appearance alone.

When my father initially told us that he was leaving my mom I felt some type of way. Zoey and Zuri have memories of him being somewhat present, they have memories of him going to their recitals or even going to their cheer competitions. The only time my dad saw me play football was on the phone he was never there. He always traveled growing up I felt him leaving my mom is just another reason for him not to see me or be present in my life. My dad always called when it was just mom and I in the house but we never really got to talk cause she always rushed him off the phone because she had to drop me off at a friend's house or some other kind of shit. So my old man and I never got to build a relationship until I started college. He calls me daily and shows interest in everything I do. My dad and I are building the relationship I always wanted to have with him. All the shit my mom used to say about him growing up was untrue. Even though I never showed any emotion when they talk I always pay attention. The way she tried to depict my dad is totally different from the guy I'm getting to know now. Yeah my dad was around during summer and holidays but my mom had us so busy and booked we never got time to bond as a family.

My friends from back home were blowing up my phone about my dad dating Fatima Wilson, I then checked out the post and forwarded it to Zuri who was furious as fuck. I never understood what her problem was with my dad. She was ranting on and on about how my dad ain't worth shit until we hopped on a call with Zoey who said that dad actually allowed her to speak to Fatima. I always envied her relationship with my dad, even though she kept her distance because my mom threatened her, she and my dad still had the coolest relationship. Zuri was talking her shit but Zoey shut her down so fast.

One thing about Zo she doesn't play about my dad and she despised my mom with a passion. Zoey texted me privately telling me that I shouldn't pay attention to what my mom or Zuri says because Fatima is important to dad so we owe it to him to give her a chance and try to build a relationship with her. I took my sister's advice and decided to give Fatima a chance. My dad was clearly happy as she must be doing something right.

When I walked into the dinning room at the restaurant my eyes instantly landed on Sasha Wilson and Fatima Wilson, they are even more hotter in person. Like I was completely speechless. Dad introduced Zuri and I and we made small talk until Zuri started questioning the timeline of their relationship like my dad was out cheating when it's actually the opposite. I looked at Zoey and Fatima it was evident that the two became close. Something about her makes me wane sit on her lap like I'm a little baby. I know that sounds creepy but I could tell how nurturing she is. I swear at one moment she hugged Zoey's shoulder and gave her a kiss on her forehead. Zoey wasn't an affectionate person but she loved how Fatima was loving on her. I wanted to share moments like this with my dad and Fatima. I wanted to be a part of what's filled with love and warmth. My dad was glowing and so was my sister I haven't seen this side of her in years. She was free and her joyful self. The entire dinner I sat back and watched how my dad and sister interacted with the Wilson sisters. My dad invited me to lunch before they had to leave to go back Atlanta. I gave my stamp of approval, he also invited me to come visit when Zo and Sasha are due to come to visit again. I told him that I'd love to. This shift in my relationship with my dad was something I needed for years and it got the kid inside of me excited.

A month later my dad booked a ticket to visit him, I got to Ti's house and she had a gift basket for me with things she thought I would like. My dad and I spent time in his man cave something we've never done before, we realized that we were so much alike and I felt like I belonged. Fatima stayed in the kitchen and cooked for us, I offered to help that way I could get to know the woman my dad fell inlove with. She was just a normal girl and her wealth or popularity didn't go to her head. I loved how she treated my dad and how they communicated and shared little moments. Sasha and Zoey were trouble together, the two were loud and fed off each other's crazy. I could tell that Fatima and my dad genuinely loved having them around. My first weekend with them was one for the books probably the best family weekend ever.

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