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Ian had to be in London for some meetings and of course I needed to tag along. I truly hate my life, I hate the man my husband has become, I hate that I can't move without people knowing my every move. I hate that I can't breathe without people telling when to inhale and when to exhale. Swimming has always been my way of escaping from the reality shit show that is my life and on my first night in London that's exactly what I did. I enjoyed the quietness of the water and I swam a couple of  laps before I noticed that I wasn't alone the man kept to himself as I kept to myself swimming a couple of more laps before taking a break. When I saw that the man was swimming in my direction I got up as fast as I could and made my way back to the room. Being ambushed by the paparazzi was not something I feel up to right now.

I saw the man from the pool in the elevator, we made eye contact and that's something I haven't made with anyone in a while. His eyes were soft and he looked like he was a kind person. Our eye contact was interrupted when the elevator came to a halt and Ian and all his guards exited without waiting for me. On our schedule this afternoon was lunch with the British prime minister and his wife. Another day of me faking like I'm this happy wife and another day of Ian faking his affection. We haven't had sex in almost 2 years and at this point I'd rather be celibate than to sleep with his selfish self absorbed ass. After spending most of the day parading our fake love and socializing we returned back to our suite, Ian and his men continued having meetings in our lounge area while I hopped into the shower, put on some comfy clothes and watched some TV while eating cookies and chips. 

I wanted to kill time and go to the pool but I wasn't feeling comfortable nor did I feel safe so I stayed in the room and continued watching TV while indulging in a bottle of wine and some snacks. I must've dosed off cause I was awaken by the emergency alert telling us to evacuate the hotel. There's been a bomb threat and the hotel staff did everything to ensure that we were comfortable while we were waiting to go back inside. Ian captivated  most of the guests attention by telling stories of all his boring adventures as a politician. He had a crowd around him so I drifted further and further to the back until I was able to make it around the dark corner. I haven't given my escape plan much thought until now and felt like I was being followed and there he was the man from the pool. Something about him told me to trust and that's exactly what I did.

Here I was grabbing a bite to eat in the middle of the night with a stranger whose name I don't even know. Yet I felt safe and seen something I haven't felt in years. I was so used to people seeing me and asking me a thousand questions about my personal life, about my parents and siblings, about my husband's career, about my marriage and about the most horrific thing that has ever happened in my life. This man has shown me kindness I always longed for.

Fatima: So Mr. Stranger you not going to tell me your name? 

Zac: Zachary Taylor. You can call me Zac though

Fatima: I'm Fatima Pitts, you can just call me Tima or Ti whichever one you prefer. Oh gosh look at me babbling it's nice to officially meet you stranger at the pool.

Zac: You saw me?

Fatima: I did. I also left when I saw you making your way towards me.

Zac: I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I mean I'm pretty sure you get hassled by people all the time.

Fatima: Yes I do especially after... Never mind so Zac tell me about yourself. The accent is giving me New York.

Zac: Yeah born and raised in New York though I've been living in Atlanta for more than 20 years. Been married to my wife for 20 years and we have 3 kids 2 girls and one boy. My son the youngest will be heading to college after summer.

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