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I've spoken to Zuri and Junior on the phone, Zac's son was pretty chilled and he seems lovely. He asked if Zac and I are happy when we replied yes he said that's the only thing that matters. He also said he couldn't wait to meet the woman whose making his dad smile like a teenager. Zuri well she seemed cold at first but after a while she warmed up towards me, we're cool but I'm still a bit skeptical when it comes to her. 

Zac and I've been on a couple of dates and it's been amazing romantic, I lowkey thanked God that his ex fucked up cause now I get to have this good man. We're officially together, one weekend he took me on a little getaway to a beautiful cabin and had the place decorated when he asked me to be his girl. I claimed that man the entire weekend the only time we came up for air was when we had to leave to come home. Zac has been super attentive, He has flowers delivered to me every Monday to start my week off properly, we try to have weekly dates even with our crazy schedules. We try to do more things together so we can spend as much time with one another, we cook together, do dishes together, watch out favorite shows together and work out together. When I was married to Ian I used to go to bed alone and I never knew when he came to bed that's if he even came to bed but with Zac oh he makes it his job to ensure we go to bed together. Like I'm so spoiled I can't sleep without the man. 

Zac gave Zoey's number to me and ever since the two of us have been texting and facetiming one another. I think Zac might be jealous just a little bit but I know he loves that his girls are getting along and he wished that Zuri would be as open as Zoey is. This coming weekend I will officially be meeting Zoey and I'm not gonna lie I'm actually nervous as fuck. Initially She and Zac were gonna stay over at Zac's place and then I was gonna hang out with them during the day. But Zac was not going for that at all, he kept complaining about not wanting to sleep without me and why can't Zoey just have his house to herself and he stays with me if I'm not comfortable with staying over while she's there. Then we decided that we were all going to stay at Zac's house together but now we're officially all staying at my place, Zac's place is nice and homey but my place has this feminine touch to it plus Sasha might crash our weekend cause I told her I'm officially meeting Zac's eldest daughter.

I was staring at the room I was going to let Zoey sleep in for the 100th time. I made her a goodie basket with some pampering products that I know she will enjoy. I was going to buy her the Dior hooded anorak that I wore to Zac and my first public appearance she said she loved it, but Zac stopped me and said for the first meet it's too much maybe in 6 months or so. I don't want to come across as if I'm trying to buy her acceptance. So I just listened to him and made her a goodie basket. I have an amazing weekend planned for us perfect for bonding even though us speaking on the phone daily and texting one another almost all day every day makes me feel like I know her already.

Zac: Babe the room is perfect she'll love it. I honestly don't even think she'll pay attention to all of this she'll just be happy meeting you and spending time with you.

Fatima: I'm just so nervous baby.

Zac: You guys basically speak every day. You'll be okay my love besides I'm thinking she's nervous too. She told me she hopes you like her.

Fatima: Awww babe I already think she's amazing. Shit hope she likes me, I'm basically her step mom. I hope Sasha's crazy ass decides not to pitch up.

Zac: Wait Sasha is coming? Cool she gets to meet her aunty too. This weekend will be amazing baby relax and just be yourself. 

Fatima: Okay. By the way my dad called and said he wants to meet the man in my life so I guess we're going on a "meet the family" spree. We're expected to go to DC next weekend maybe we can stay there for a week and we can visit Zuri at Georgetown university and Junior at Howard. Maybe we can all have lunch together, I'll ask Zoey how her week looks and I'd like it if she could come with us. Have her tagalong to meet my family.

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