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One month later

I'm officially divorced! Karen didn't put up much of a fight especially not after she learned that I found out about her affair. I bought my own place close to Fatima's, we were still just being "best friends" who happen to spend every night together at each other's places. I started my own real estate firm and that has been going really well. Fatima has been working on a few cases and is even considering working full time and Andi and Robin's firm. Life he as been really good.

Sasha visits frequently, it's like she's obsessed with Fatima and I. We love it though, we loved having her with us especially because she takes us on the craziest adventures. I met Jackson Fatima's older brother and we hit it off instantly for the first time in felt like I was being accepted into a family. Now I know I still need to meet her parents but we're chilled about all that right now.

We slept at my place last night and since it's Saturday I decided to sleep in. Knowing Fatima she'll probably drag me somewhere today. We always go out with a group of people that way we're never linked romantically. I also avoid paparazzi getting a picture of me. I always thought the paparazzi's obsession with her was because she was married to Ian and because of her tragedy but honestly they're obsessed with her every move. She's the Beyonce of politics and she doesn't even have a career in it. Sasha attracts her fair share of attention but I swear they go ballistic when it comes to Fatima.

I got out of bed and got ready for the day, I found Fatima in the kitchen making breakfast. She loves cooking as much as she loves eating. She'll find any reason to be in the kitchen, she's the reason we have to stay in the gym because we be throwing down. I gave her a kiss and dry humped her while she was flipping pancakes making her giggle. I'm know I just got out of a long ass marriage but I swear Fatima was meant to be my girl.

Fatima: So Sasha and a friend got some tickets to go see the Hawks game tonight, they can't make it so she gave it to us. We won't be in a group and I just wanted to make sure you know that. I don't want your privacy invaded, you don't deserve to go through that. So if you not up for it I will give the tickets to Andi and Robin.

Zac: Baby I know you didn't just say you gonna give that tickets to Andi's ass knowing damn well she don't know shit about basketball. I would love to got to the game with you. I don't care about anything else, you didn't asked to be stalked by cameras either. I was avoiding the cameras because I don't need the media more in your business than they already have. So I'd be honored to be at the hawks game with you.

Fatima: thank you Baby, I love you.

Zac: I love you too, let's eat before I start eating my favorite meal.

Fatima: You lucky I'm actually starving cause I'll let you have me in any kind of way sir.

We ate and cleaned the kitchen together afterwards. Fatima had a few errands to run and I had nothing to do besides lazing around and watching TV. I went through a couple of emails and responded to a few, check in on my kids to see how they where doing. Zoey was living her best life as a senior in college, Zuri was icing me out but even with her funky ass attitude I still made sure I reached out and check in on her. She's a momma's baby so it didn't take long for Karen to get into her head and talk shit about me even though it turns out all my kids knew about their mom's affair with Gary. Junior was taking the divorce the hardest mostly because I wasn't as present growing up for him as I was for the girls and that is my fault I allowed work to keep me away from family but I also know if I didn't do as requested (the traveling for work) Karen would have felt like I'm doing some sort of injustice against her father.


I know I just left the house but I already miss him, usually we have a busy Saturday with a group of friends well most Andi, Robin and their crew but today we get to go to the Hawks game thanks to Sasha, she thinks her ass is sneaky but I know what she's doing. She knows Zac and I try to avoid being caught together in by the media outlets and that we do group activities but I guess we're making our public debut even though we still just best friends who basically live together and enjoy one another bodies. Anyway on today's agenda is getting my hair and nails done and then lunch with Andi.

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