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I woke up to the sun lighting up the room, every muscle in my body was aching. After indulging in some weed and tequila Fatima got into the shower while I checked my voicemails incase my wife tried getting hold of me but nothing. When Fatima came out of the bathroom I went in to get myself ready for the night when I returned to the room I saw that she made me a bed on the floor. We spoke until I heard her cute little soft snores. The next morning I turned around to see her looking absolutely stunning while she's sleeping. As though she sensed that I was staring at her she woke up and smiled. 

"Good morning" She said with the brightest smile on her face. I smiled back at her and said "Good morning sleepy head" making her giggle. I tried getting up my body was stiff and need a minute to adjust. " Come get on the bed I'll give you a massage" She said inviting me on the her bed. I took her up on her offer and made myself comfy on her bed while she worked her magic. 

I couldn't focus cause the print of her hard nipples against her night gown had all my attention and for the first time ever I entertained the idea of cheating on my wife. Fatima's hands felt like they were made for my body, when she was finished I felt so much better so she laid next to me while we were talking and laughing.

I've never wanted someone as much as I wanted her. It's like there was a shift in the atmosphere and we both wanted something we couldn't possible have. We wanted one another. I started kissing her and she gave me access to her mouth fully and before I knew it my hands were exploring her body underneath her night gown. "Are you sure" I whispered and in a husky whisper she replied " Yes". We spend the entire morning making love to one another and afterwards we fell asleep in one another's arms.


I know what Zac and I did was wrong but it feels so right. We didn't have meaningless sex, this man made love to me like I was the last woman on the Earth. Ian has been the only person I've ever been with expect for today. Zachary Taylor has been the best I've ever had. He sees me the way no one has ever seen me in years, he speaks to me like I am important and like what I say is important. I know what I want and it's him however I could never tell him that. He thinks he's in a happy marriage and who am I to ever ruin that. 

After today I'm going back with Zac and I'm telling Ian that it's over. I want my life back. I need my life back and I'm tired of following him around like we're some perfect sort of married couple while he treats me like I'm his possession. As for Zac I will forever keep this memory in my head. This is our little secret and I will cherish it forever.

I got out of bed and got into the shower while I was in there thinking about the morning wee had I felt him wrapping his arms around me and kissing me neck. I leaned back into his embrace and stayed there. When he turned me around he wiped the tears that I didn't know were falling from my eyes. "Hey don't cry it's going to be okay." he said while holding me tighter. Why couldn't this be my life? Why couldn't I be married to this man right here. 

After eating lunch and getting some food for the road we made our back to my room the get our things before returning to the car. The drive back was long and quiet. Sadness consumed me once more, I didn't want this to be the last time we see one another. When we got to London Zac parked a few blocks away where we could say our goodbyes. Between the kisses my tears were flowing I didn't want whatever we had to end. Once we were satisfied Zac dropped me a block away from the hotel and this time he made me promise to go to my room. I took the little bag that I had and made my way to the hotel, thinking about Zachary Taylor while I rode the elevator to the floor on which my suite was on.

"I swear you hate me Fatima, you keeping pulling this disappearing acts and it's making you look crazy in the press" Ian said when he saw me walking into the room and he immediately dismissed everyone who was with him.

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