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I could barely sleep after talking to Ti about this entire Zuri situation. As a father you want the best for your kids especially your daughters. I can't believe that my ex would even treat her own child the way that she is. And that she even allows her father and her fuckboy to speak to her with so much disrespect. I'm honestly surprised that she even opened up to Fatima but then again Ti has this way about her that makes one feel safe and comfortable.

Fatima woke me up to tell me breakfast was ready, she took Zavier and put him in his room while I made my way to the kitchen. I looked at my daughter and she looked happy and at home. I kissed her forehead before taking my seat at the counter. The family made small talk while enjoying our last family breakfast before the Wilsons and Junior had to go back to Washington. Junior was starting his internship at Jackson's office and everyone has been at our place for the past 5 weeks it's time Ti and I got some alone time, besides I have one more week to go before I can claim my woman again.

After breakfast the women cleaned up, Fatima went to Junior's room to make sure he had everything he needed and to make a list of things he still needed. He enjoyed it when she baby him plus this meant he got to spend some time with her. Zuri decided to join them in Junior's room and she loved watching Fatima interact with her siblings while she dreams of having the same type of relationship with her as they do.

The afternoon Sash and ZoZo came to spend some time with the family before everyone heads their separate ways. The two loud mouths were heading to LA for work and to party. They invited Zuri but she declined cause she wanted to build a relationship with Ti while everyone was gone and she needed to find a job.

By 7 pm everyone was on their respective flights and Zuri was the only one left here which was perfect cause I wanted to speak to her about everything. Fatima got Zavier settled before joining us in the kitchen where Zuri was making us a salad. Out of habit she walked straight into my arms and kissed me.  I of course rubbed her ass cause we've been busy today which meant we didn't get a moment for me to touch it.

Zuri: Do I need to leave?

Fatima: Sorry no he tends to get carried away.

Zuri: I can tell cause he's always grabbing at you. I don't wane intrude so I'll take the salad to go and call a rideshare cause I know you had a busy day and didn't have much time for one another so I'm gonna let you have some quality time with one another. I'll call you when I'm home safely.

Zac: And with home you mean that hotel.

Fatima: You don't have to go.

Zac: Yeah I wanted to talk to you anyway.  Ti spoke to me about what y'all spoke about yesterday and as your father I am extremely worried. I don't want my daughter to live in that type of environment. I would never over my dead body allow Junior or Zoey live there why should I let you? You're still my daughter and I will do everything in my power to protect you.

Fatima: Your father and I spoke, how would you like to live here for the summer. Go back to school and get your degree. We're fully responsible for Junior so why wouldn't we do it for you?

Zuri: I couldn't possibly accept that.

Fatima: Yes you can, look we know you don't wane quit school and you're probably super terrified to even stay at that hotel. We're family baby and family take care of one another.

Zuri: I already said I won't be coming back.

Fatima: that's okay my mom will go speak to the Dean the two are friends.

Zuri: Thank you so much.

Zac: How about we go get your things from that hotel.

Fatima: remember to ditch her old phone okay.

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