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I haven't seen my daughter laugh and smile as much in years as she has over this weekend. She and Fatima had this organic mother-daughter bond that I loved. Friday night after returning from the restaurant we decided to chill in the man cave. I got everything we needed because I wanted my wifey to relax when I returned I found my daughter all cuddled up next to Ti. It honestly warmed my heart because I've never seen Karen be this warm towards Zoey. I could also tell that Fatima loved having my ZoZo around. Then there's Sasha, at first Zoey was freaking out because she couldn't believe she was actually hanging out with the Wilson sisters, I'm definitely the coolest dad. Anyway Sasha has been taking her aunty role very seriously and she was obsessed with Zoey. In the middle of the night Ti went to go check on ZoZo but she found her in Sasha's room, the two were already ganging up on Ti and I. I loved that Fatima and her sister were treating my princess like she was their own.

On Saturday after breakfast then girls went about their day doing what girls do best when they got home they were chirpy and my daughter looked so happy I wanted to cry. She had a sparkle in her eyes and I can't recall a time when Zoey was in Atlanta and didn't wane hang out with her friends that still lived here. The girl has been stuck in the house with us the entire time. I ran Fatima a warm bath and we relaxed in it, my baby couldn't stop gushing about the day that they had. The evening at the Hawks game I was blown away by how protective Fatima became when people were bombarding her and Zoey was with her. Now we all know that Zoey is a grown woman but Ti went into mommy mode and Sasha was right there making sure Zoey was okay every step of the way. I watched the woman I love and her sister take care of my daughter. Seeing the interaction between my daughter and Fatima made me fall in love with her even more.

Sundays were usually a chilled day for Fatima and I so we relaxed for the most part but we decided to go out for lunch because Zoey and Sasha would be leaving out tonight. We were enjoying our lunch and Zoey was telling us how much she loved this weekend when we were rudely interrupted.

Karen: Well I'm happy you had such an amazing weekend cause your mother had to learn from social media that you're in Atlanta. What the fuck is that all about Zoey? It's one thing having your father's face being plastered all over with him holding this bitch's hand and kissing all up her. But now you're out here acting like she's your mom!

Sasha: Did she just call my sister a bitch?

Karen: do you need me to repeat myself

Sasha: I think I do_

Zac: Sasha it's cool I got it. Karen what I do with my woman is not your concern. You will not come here and ruin our lunch, Fatima has been more of a mother to your daughter in one weekend than you've been to her in years. Take whatever shit you're on to your boy Gary and leave me and mine alone.

Karen: So Zoey can't speak for herself?

Zoey: Oh I can I just prefer not speaking to you. Now leave because you are interrupting our family  time.

Sasha: Cheers to that.

Karen left without saying another word, I checked to see if Fatima was okay and she gave me a kiss as reassurance. Zoey wasn't going to let her mom ruin a perfect weekend and Sasha was ready to kick ass. We enjoyed our lunch further, we might have had a little too much to drink because all four of us were LIT. We went home to chill before we had to take the girls to the airport. I wanted to have a moment with Zoey alone so Ti and Sasha went to Sasha's room to chill out. While Zoey and I chilled in my man cave.

Zoey: I knew I liked her when we spoke on the phone but meeting her in person and spending all this time with her was wonderful. I totally get why you're in love with her she's amazing and it's not even about the glitz and glamour it's just her as a person, she's everything I wish I had in a mom and everything I wish you had in a wife. She's fiercely protective of her own. She exudes love, dad she's amazing. I mean shit she gave you a whole man cave in her house to ensure you had a space to yourself and so that you can feel home. I love that she does things for you because  she wants to. You seem very happy and in love and I love how you guys are affectionate with one another. I've never seen you like this and I'm here for it. I support this relationship.

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