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Zoey: Momma I know you're super busy plus you just had Junior but I honestly need sound advice and I could go to GiGi but you would give better advice because it's somehow about your man.

Fatima: ZoZo sweetheart I don't care if I'm busy dying you can always come to me about anything. So tell what's on your mind

Zoey: I saw Zuri today like earlier

Fatima: And?

Zoey: She looked lost, lonely and sad. Like the person she was is not there anymore. We spoke for a bit and I thought she was gonna be on some shit but then she really wasn't. She said she missed me and I know her so I know that was genuine. I'm contemplating whether I want a relationship with her or not. But she also said she's dropping out of school she didn't explain though and I know I should be telling dad but then I also don't want him to call her and lose his shit on her because we don't know what kind of head space she's in right now. I'm so torn

Fatima: I think you should check in on your sister especially if you are concerned baby girl. Whatever shit is happening between your parents or even between you and your mom don't let that effect whether you want to have a relationship with you sister. Clearly you miss her, I can see that and clearly you are concerned. So go and have a conversation with her and feel it out, if you feel good about it then proceed with caution but if you feel she's playing then you have every right to cut that shit off. As for your dad he can be stubborn so once you've gathered all your facts to why we need to be concerned and we can talk to him together. Okay?

Zoey: Am I a fool for wanting to actually have my sister in my life? I mean I love her and I really miss her and wish she could be apart of all these memories with us.

Fatima: I totally get that sweetheart, you're not a fool. There's nothing wrong in believing in the good of people especially the ones you love. I'll be here whenever you need me. I'll have your back always.

Zoey: Thank you, I can always count on you. Love you so much.

Fatima: love you too sweetheart always okay.

Zoey got up and dm'ed Zuri to set up a date meanwhile I was laying bed watching my handsome son sleep. I swear I can't get enough of him. I find myself praying for his health and life all day long, I pray that God doesn't give me another child just to snatch him away from me. I honestly don't think I could handle having to bury another one of my kids. Zavier Isaiah Taylor was everything I needed he was the perfect bundle of Zac and my love for one another.

I decided to get up take the baby monitor with me and make my way to where Zac was in his man cave, I sat on his lap and told him about my conversation with Zoey minus the fact that Zuri was dropping out of college. I just wanted to prepare him mentally should in case Zoey does approach him with concern that he would be gentle when he responds. I spend some time with him straddling my man while we were talking about anything under the sun before we were interrupted by my son's crying. I knew it was feeding time so Zac went to go get him and brought him to the man cave so I could feed him.

Remember how I said seeing Zac in Daddy mode is a turn on, well I'm definitely turned on now cause the way this man takes care of our son is so damn sexy. He's so loving and makes sure I rest while he's in dad mode, changing diapers and putting Zavier to sleep. Him waking up in the middle of the night to check on Zavier, I mean I'm obsessed with everything that is Zachary Taylor the father. Zac changed the baby's diaper before bringing him down and after I fed him Zac rubbed his winds out so he could go back to sleep.

Zac placed Zav in the portable cribs we placed in the mancave so he could sleep, he and I laid back so we could take a nap together before we had to be up again for feeding time or a diaper change. The best part about this second chance at motherhood is that Zac is with me every step of the way. I never had that with Ian. I was alone from the time I told him I was pregnant until the day my boy was laid to rest. Ian liked the concept of having kids it meant he would look like a family man and the people of America love family men. I kissed Zac and told him thank you, he looked at me crazy because there was no other place he'd rather be than here with his family.

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