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Life has been extremely busy as of late, Zac's business has been thriving and he became one of the leading realtors in Atlanta. I am immensely proud of my man and all his accomplishments. I have joined Andi and Robin's law firm part-time. I'm still not sure whether I'm ready to fully commit to going back to work, right now I'm a happy home maker. Our relationship has flourished so much during the course of these months, I've really never experienced a love like this before. Even on his busiest days he still makes me his top priority and treats me like the queen of his castle.  Zac and have unofficially moved into my place together, but that's only because we have 2 house guests that would pitch up without an invitation or notification so we stay at my place because it's starting to feel like our family home.

Our families have been very accepting of this relationship and my parents absolutely adores Zoey and Junior, the last time Zac and I saw Zuri was when we were had dinner with them. Since that night we've been in DC a couple of times and invited her to spend some time with us but she kept declining. My parents and Jackson met Junior and they loved on him like he was their own grandson and nephew. Junior and I became close but not as close as Zoey and I are. We text every now and then especially when he needs advice. I love that Zac aren't forcing the relationships between his kids and I but he's allowing it to happen organically. We try to fly out the kids one weekend a month and we love when the house if full of life. Shit even Sasha is like one of our kids. Between Zac, Junior, Zoey, Sasha and myself I constantly have to stock the fridge and do laundry around the clock. I'm not complaining though cause I love being able to do things for the people I love. I love cooking for my family while I listen to them banter, I love our movie nights. I love that one weekend out of the month Zac and I get to go into full mom and dad mode.

Seeing Zac being a father is so sexy and I know I said I wouldn't want another kid because of the pain and suffering I went through when Isaiah got sick and then passed away. But seeing my baby being a dad to his grown kids is sexy as fuck and makes me wane try for a baby. I'm also nervous about bringing up this subject because what if Zac doesn't want any.

I've been working from my home office today, it's Monday the house felt abnormally quiet especially since everyone left last night. Zoey and Sasha went back to LA, my sister needed to be on her way to Milan but she pushed her shoot back a few days because she'd be out of the country for a couple of weeks. She and ZoZo have been inseparable ever since they met so the thought of them them being a month apart was already giving them separation anxiety, I just think they being dramatic as hell. Sasha decided to fly ZoZo home and spend some time with her before going to Milan. Junior came into town and didn't tell his mom but only because he didn't feel like listening to her whine about how disrespectful Zac was for forcing them to hang out with Fatima.

"Hey baby what you making" Zac said as he was entering the kitchen

"A chicken Caesar salad you want some babe?" I asked as I kissed his lips.

"Sure, feed your man he's hungry" Zac said making me laugh

"He's always hungry" I said.

"Damn the house is clean and there's no dishes, it's hella quiet. I kinda miss the fam" Zac said looking around admiring how clean the house was for the first time in 3 days.

"I miss them too but I swear if I had to clean up behind one of their asses again I was gonna chase them all home" I said

"Why you capping? You love when they here, you make their favorite foods and desserts, stock up the pantry with their favorite snacks, make those damn gift baskets every time they come home. And then you wake up super early to make breakfast. You baby Junior and Zoey even though they're asses grown as fuck. Shit even Sasha's ass is acting like she's your child." Zac said

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