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I've always hated boats, even though I love water the deep ocean scares me. After the talk I had with Ian my dad called and accused me of ruining the next president's career and he went on and on about shit that didn't even make sense. I decided to take Ian up on his offer not because I needed the money I have way more than he does but because I owed it to him. After his first run for election I will divorce him whether he wins or not well when he does win presidency I will give him another 4 years of my life. I didn't have anything to lose.

I thought about Zac in Clovelly everyday, that memories never failed to put a smile on my face. I got his address and I wanted to write him a letter but I also didn't wane seem creepy or would wane get him in trouble with his wife. So I wrote everything I wanted to tell him in a book and kept it with me at all times. Life with Ian has been dull and boring as usual somehow I got roped into a vacation on a yacht with Ian, my brother and his family. Mind you both of these men know how much I feared the ocean and my brother suggested other vacations but Ian was adamant about the yacht so here I was swimming to save my life but being paralyzed by fear. I don't remember much but I do remember trying to swim to save my niece who wasn't wearing a life  jacket and the more I tried getting to her the further she moved away.

I woke in the Hospital a few days later with the news that my sister in law and her kids passed away. I knew my brother must be going through so much pain right now. I only lost one kid but to lose your entire family is heartbreaking. I flipped through the channels and my family's faces were all over and of course Ian was out making public statements and using my Family's tragedy as a way for him to campaign. I asked the nurse if my husband has been here she replied only once when I got admitted and somehow I wasn't surprised. She said that there was a Zachary calling none stop for me, I told her to put the call through when he calls again. 


Fatima: Hello

Zac: Fatima?

Fatima: Zac is that you?

Zac: I was so worried about you.

Fatima: I'm happy to hear that someone's worried about me.

Zac: Of course, how you doing?

Fatima: I'm doing okay, happy to be alive for a minute I thought I wasn't going to make it. I'm sad that my brother's family didn't make it, this was all Ian's stupid idea my brother and I begged him to choose another vacation spot now his ass is out here campaigning like my family didn't just die

Zac: I'm sorry about your family and as for Ian karma is a real bitch.

Fatima: Thank you? I miss you, how you doing?

Zac: I miss you too, I wish we never had to leave your happy place. I'm doing good, my family are all doing their thing and I'm just at home with broken leg

Fatima: One of us in hospital one of us with a broken leg, we're quite the pair I see. Look Zac I have to go they about to run some tests on me. If it's okay I'll write soon.

Zac: Please do write me. And Ti be safe

Fatima: You too.

I had to stop myself from blurting out I love to Zac, I honestly think I do love him or maybe I love the idea of him.  I was thinking about him the while they were running tests on me. One day I will make it out of this marriage and even though I might not end up with Zac I will try to find someone that's like him and makes me feel the way he does.


After a whole week in hospital I was finally discharged to go home, instead of going home with Ian I went too my parents Mansion. I knew my brother has been staying there after the funeral and I wanted to be around him to support him. Even though my brother was a politician he never turned into the kind of man my father and Ian was. My brother was a good husband and father and I knew this was very hard for him. Surprisingly my father was on Ian's ass for using this tragedy for his own benefit stead of thinking about our family. The news channels were camped out in front of my parents home when I got home and Ian tried letting them get pictured of me looking vulnerable and broken but my dad was not having it. I asked my sister to ask my dad to ask Ian to leave which my dad did because even though my dad was a shitty father he was an amazing grandfather and he felt the pain of losing his grandkids which is why he didn't think twice to ask Ian to leave.

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