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The woman in the pool consumed my dreams last night, why? I really don't know. Today I wanted to check out a few real estate firms that my father in law wanted to buy out.  He has this plan to expand the business even more in Europe do I think that's wise not entirely but I'm here to gather information for my research and then take it back to him. I knew my wife is sleeping so I would call her as soon as she's up. I ordered some breakfast before getting ready for the day. I left the hotel at 8 am sharp and made my way to various firms before making my way back to the hotel at noon. I called my wife knowing that this would be the only time I'd probably be able to catch her today. "Hey Honey I saw you called yesterday but I was extremely busy" She said distracted. "Hey baby yeah, wanted to check on you and Junior but it seems like both of you are busy." I said. "Yeah Zac Junior is trying to hang out with his friends as much as he can. Look I have to go I promised daddy that I would make breakfast for him at home. Is there any message you'd like me to give him?" She asked making me roll my eyes at the mention of her father. "No it's okay, you have a good day. I love you baby" I said to her. "Yeah talk later bye" She said before putting down the phone.

I just stared at the phone and not once did she ask me how I'm doing. This has been our norm though so I don't even know why I'm surprised. Karen's dad gave me all the opportunities I have, he bought my wife her dream house when I was unable to do so. what's frustrates me most is that I literally have no say when it comes to my kids, with the girls I wanted them closer to home for high school instead Karen and her dad went on and on about their family tradition so my girls winded up in some boarding school far away from home. 

With every family sacrifice I made I tend to get a promotion which is why I'm vice president now inline to take over the company when her dad retires. Whatever feelings of discomfort I had about my life I shoved to the back of my head firstly to please my wife and because if her dad is not happy Karen would nag on and on about it. I've also been isolated from my entire family, the last time I heard from my family in New York was when my brother needed some money for his kid's hospital bills. Yeah I have nieces and nephews I have never met. Karen complained about my family only needing me for money so I never got to send my brother the money because I really didn't wane deal with my wife. I got word later that my brother died of an overdose, his wife at the time sold the apartment I got from my mom because they needed the money and she and the kids relocated. Karen was pissed off because she didn't take me seriously when I told her I gave the deed of the house to Jeremiah. 

Don't get me wrong I love my wife no doubt about that I just feel like I have no one else besides her and her family. I'm happy and truly blessed to have the life that I have. Anyway it was about 2pm now, I've spoken to my wife, gone through all my emails and responded set up a meeting for later today with someone who will go into the firm as a spy for the next couple of days so I can write a full report for my father in law regarding the way the business is failing to thrive in London. I decided to go to Ralph's Coffee & Bar, I made my way down to the elevator and when entering and moving to the back of it there she was the woman from the pool, she was standing in the corner at the back of the elevator. The men in black suits paid her no mind and neither did the man who they were protecting. I knew exactly who she was, anyone who didn't know who she was must be living under a rock Fatima Wilson-Pitts were political royalty. She's so much more beautiful in person than she is in the newspapers, magazines or even on TV. We made eye contact and her eyes looked so sad like she was all alone, I felt the urge to wrap my arms around her and just hold her. My thoughts however was interrupted by the sound of the elevator. Senator Ian Pitts and his guards exited the elevator and she followed them as if she wasn't apart of them. I made my way to the door to get into my car so that my chauffer could take me to my destination.

After lunch and my meeting I headed back to my room at the hotel, I was annoyed cause here I was stuck in a hotel room when I could've done all of this from the comfort of my home office and spend some time with my wife and son instead I'm in London bored as fuck trying to find ways to kill time. I found something watch but got bored after a while so I decided go for a swim, I looked around but I didn't see her as I was hoping I would see her again. After swimming a few laps I went back into my room showered ordered some food and decided to watch Stranger things on Netflix. I must've dosed off because just before 11 pm the Hotel's emergency alarm went off and all Hotel guests had to evacuate. We all made our to the front of the hotel, apparently there was a bomb threat so while that was being sorted out the Ritz staff was doing everything to ensure that we were comfortable in front of the hotel. It truly felt like a party, we had a delicious spread of food which we could feast on paired with some beverages of our choice. 

There she was beautiful in a plain white t-shirt, some stone washed ripped jeans and a pair of white slip-on vans. She was busy nursing a cup of tea paying attention to no one and no one was paying attention to her. Her husband was busy telling multiple stories which caught the attention of most of the guest and his guards. While everyone was hanging on to ever word Ian Pitts was saying his wife was moving further away from the group than she initially was. Until she disappeared into the dark making me follow her. A lady should not be wondering these dark streets alone. 

"If you're paparazzi please have enough respect and leave" She said pleadingly

"I'm not paparazzi, I saw you moving away from everyone and I just wanted to make sure you're safe. It's 1 am and you shouldn't be alone on the streets." I said truly concerned.

"I just needed some space, I'm not ready to go back yet." She told me while fiddling with her fingers.

"Okay how about you get your much needed space, I'm starving how about we go to Balans Soho 34. I eat maybe you join me and you get your space and if you need to talk I'm here to listen" I said to her I could see she was all in her head contemplating on whether she wanted to trust me or not.

"Okay, I'll take you up on your offer" She said and we got into a cab that was passing us to go to our destination.

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